Ever have one of those days where you just want to smash every goddamn thing, take it and burn it?
I’d like the earth to spiral into the sun.
Nuclear holocaust.
Zombie apocalypse.
I don’t give a shit what happens; it’s the end result I’m concerned with.
yes, i have the occasional day like that.
i also very much like the idea of the earth being suddenly obliterated.
that aside, i’m normally relatively cheerful.
I am, too. It’s weird how it works. Like sailing in the eye of a hurricane, sometimes you’ll get overtaken by the stormwall and for a brief second, everything goes all wonky until your course stabilizes again.
Oooo mass destruction sounds just about perfect right about now.
I feel that way sometimes too, but personally, I usually just would like myself to be removed from the picture than have the whole painting thrown into the fireplace ;p
All my days are like that.
@ ConfessioAbsurdum: Why? I’ve come to terms with the fact that we’re all the same; all human beings are simply human beings, so if I hate myself, I must hate human beings equally. Or I must cease hating myself, and therefore cease hating all human beings equally. Goddamn black and white logic. I just can’t get away from it.
I am right there with you.
Some days I find myself deep in an abyss of despair so black I don’t know how I got here or what unholy creature made this place. What I would give to hear someone recite those little words of comfort.
Instead ill just be repulsed by myself in the dark where no one can see
@one_day: that sounds about right. š Have you ever wondered about the nature of a site like this? Where you can be both happy to find people you can relate to, while also mortified about it? It strikes me that so many wonderful people suffer the same crap I go through on a daily basis, have similar thoughts as what I have, and yet they are obviously wonderful, amazing, beautiful people. The world is a profoundly unsettled place.
There’s nothing to do but weep buckets over the unholy unfairness of it all. It’s too late to kiss every pretty child on the cheek and tell them the world is a beautiful place. The ones who grew up never knowing that, that’s a lesson lost. Because some things can only be learnt as a child.
I don’t know if its better to be alone in misery or in company. Hardly matters since it doesn’t seem to be much my choice anyway. I used to think I was responsible for a great deal of misery but now it seems that people are quite capable of achieving that level of misery without me anyway. One less weight off the shoulder anyway
The world is a beautiful place. Civilization, on the other hand, is a god-awful, life-sucking, soulless abomination. Everyone who must contend with it is miserable in their own unique way.
So true!