So it is awfully shitty to take a pre test online for ajob and realize u cannot even begin to do the math on the sample questions,,, how scvrewed up is that? its simple percents and iam not able to do that so i feel quite defeated right now!! as if i could think yself better~na not happening in this lifetime\1 SUCKS TO B ME!
I’m sorry you’re not Ok, Claira. I’m not either. In fact that phrase, “I’m NOT OK” has been my refrain in my head and to other people but no one does anything and nothing changes. What a shitty feeling!! How can anybody be expected to take a test online like you have to do when you’re feeling so horrible?
I don’t suppose “Math for Dummies” to bone up a little would help? I know you’re not posting for trivial advice. Skip that.
lol i am going to check out the library on Saturday for exactly that book!!!! don’t laugh, it might help me…. wish me luck 🙂
I suck at complex numbers.