I went to church and it was fun… But hard  for me… I guess it was okay and idk if i should go again.. I want to but I don’t and I’m scared that people will find out about all the crap that happened recently and I feel really bad but at the same time, I don’t care about them but they really are nice people and all so I’d feel really terrible when\if they decided to lecture me… HELP!! SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO!?! I wish the pain  of  the past would go away already!!
I say go. What do you have to lose? Even if they do find out about your past, they are no one to judge, we all have fallen short of His grace, we all mess up. It’s also an opportunity for them to do what they are called to do by Christ- LOVE like He has loved us- unconditionally. Take the chance, go.
For me, Jesus is the the way. He’s my only chance, He is the only reason. He is LIFE. I’ve done some dumb stuff, it’s hard for me to bare my own sight and not to blame myself for everything. I push away people. I tried to hide it (still do most of the times) from people even at church. When people started to find out about my depression, manny turned their backs and said not so nice things, but there were ones who still care and love me with Jesus’ love. And that is slowly healing my heart..
Let God in.
If you got anything out of it, definitely go again. One thing you will learn is that church people are the least judgmental people on earth. They won’t lecture you, they will just try to help you. If they do judge and lecture you, then it’s a sure sign that they are either practicing their religion incorrectly, or their religion itself is wrong. Religion could be something that will help you overcome your suicidal feelings, so if it is helping, keep going. Religion isn’t for everyone though, so at the first sign that it is making you feel worse, get out of there.
I’m with my boyfriend… He makes me pretty happy but he took both my razors from me and so I’m feeling the need to use them but oh well D: