I relate so much to the posts here. Other (dare I say normal) people don’t think like this. Don’t feel this pain. Don’t fantasize about dying, about how beautiful exhaust smells. I know it’s wrong with my head, but my heart gets hurt over and over, and I say “It’s ok, I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” And the best the woman on the SP hotline can say is my cats need me. How lame a life is that? But I guess I wouldn’t have searched for this place and posted if I didn’t want help. It hurts so much but no one wants to hear thus stuff, it scares them, so what’s left?
I feel like I relate to a ton of stuff on here. I prefer deisel btw. And if anyone wants to talk I always want to help because I realize people who havent experienced stuff like we have dont understand.
if you ever need someone to talk to or need anything I am here. I relate. I have been there. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I want to hear this kinda stuff. Who gives a fuck if its its not “normal” to fantasize about dying. I do it you do it lots of people on this site do it. It is our normal and that just has to be good enough for now.
Beautifully said.
It’s strange I guess; when I hear other people say they want to do it; everything in my being says life is only once, please don’t do it. But for me it seems best. Life only seems wirthwhile if someone can love me. Since my family is all gone that’s not going to happen. Paraphrase from the Eagles about faithless men. Even when you tell them you need to go slow cause you are so damn vulnerable. My deceased husband had problems but was one of the good ones and I should join him. No, not tonight, but every time I experience a man’s betrayal if gets closer. Have peace. There is so much comfort in finding a group that gets it.
Oh god, please help me someone.
Please help me someone. I am so alone.
hi lost margaret,
don’t feel so lonely dear.just try to stay strong and try to discover a vision within yourself.see the fact is that you have to live so work on that rather than working on dying.i hope you understand what i want to tell you.you need to be different from what you are now.i know it sucks.but still you need to find a way out of all this mess.please and just feel free to mail me if you feel negative.
common talk with me…
I agree 🙂
I used to post a lot of poetry and songs on my Facebook. A lot of them were about death and suicide. They all explain how I feel.
But people don’t understand that.
My friend talked to me one day and told me that I shouldn’t post stuff like that. She said its annoying and nobody wants to see it.
Its ridiculous how ignorant people are.
They seem so concerned about the starving kids in Africa, and they trip over themselves trying to help, but they’re blind to the kids killing themselves in their same neighborhood. The fact no one wants to help the depressed is depressing in itself.
I just wish people wouldn’t judge me so much.
I like that I can be honest here and no one will tell me that I should shut up.
Hi lost margaret,
I just found this site. Because I feel much the same as you. So where-ever you are,
We are on this site because we are struggling to stay alive.
Looking for meaning. Looking for love.
I wish I could hold your hand and tell you not to give up.
I wish someone could do that for me.
But right now, we are both still alive.
I will stay alive for you.
Please stay alive for me.
Lost Margaret,
are you there?
Please, you are not alone.
We here
Lost Margaret, when I read what you had written, I could feel your pain, simply because, your world is my world crying out in what seems to be a wilderness, Oh God please help me.
And each sorrowful day is like the last a heart full of pain and loneliness that you feel there is only one way to end the sorrow but not today and not tomorrow and the heart continues to cry, please help me I don’t want to feel this way anymore.
Lonely and broken liker glass we suffer yet another day and the thought of death holds no sting to the lonely broken heart. I feel the same way and you are not alone my heart is with yours Margaret, your not alone!
We are here. but if you need me my email i i think visible to anyone. i can be your company too if you need one more 🙂