I’m actually not. Â That’s the strange thing. Â .
I’ve known I was going to kill myself for over ten years, ever since I was 17. Â Now I am 28.
If anyone has reasons not to die it is me. Â I have a great job with more money than I know what to do with. Â I have two little girls, not yet 5 years old. Â My best friend lives with me. Â My wonderful boyfriend loves me dearly. Â I am healthy and, if not pretty, at least very intelligent and fun to be around.
But I am going to die. Â I have attempted it almost successfully many times before. Â Most recently I took 300 aspirin and almost managed to get my kidneys to shut down before my traitorous body recovered itself. Â Now I have the materials for helium asphyxiation. Â Now I am going to finally die.
And I’m calm. Â Actually, I’m oddly happy. Â It’s like finally getting to the last pages of the story. Â I feel free.
So this is the way I embrace my end. Â I know I must not be the only one who has accepted death and welcomes it. Â To whoever else feels this, you are not alone. Â And you are not crazy. Â But sometimes, it needs to end. Â Sometimes no reason in the world is enough to make you keep existing. Â Is it really so ridiculous to want to put down the book peacefully once you know the story is over?
You do not need reasons to be unhappy. You can’t help the way you feel.
You have a family. Please don’t put them through the pain.
Don’t do it to yourself.
I can relate EXACTLY to how you’re feeling at the moment.
You have commitments and responsibilities. Please, don’t.
I’m here if you want to talk.
All my love, LOBT (LivingOnBorrowedTime.)
I’m not unhappy. I have experienced this before. It is as if some external force is taking over my mind and body, slowly overbearing my own free will, forcing me to do things I have no control over. I do not know how to stop it.
I am in something of the same boat — many blessings, but still am giving serious thought to ending it. With your young family and significant others, I think that you, like me, should hold off a long as you can…. see a really really good therapist, not some flake. It make take a while to find him/her, but give it a shot. Also, I am here if you want to talk to a kindred soul.
Being a parent requires selflessness. If you truly feel that you can not go on, kiss those babies and make sure that they are safe for the next 15 years!