One day, maybe just one day, everyone will finally understand how tired I was and how broken I was. One day I’ll prove everyone wrong who thought I couldn’t kill myself becuase I was weak that I can. One day I’ll get my revenge. One day I’ll die and be happy again because I left the world who made me suffer. Just one day.
I don’t think one_day will ever understand
no one would understand.
Killing yourself doesn’t make you a strong person . If you really want to show people how strong you are then fight through this! Through the pain! Prove all of the naysayers wrong and show them that you can live and live happily too. Show them that you made it through the suffering and that you came out harder, better and stronger! After all ,that is what pain is here for in the first place, to make us stronger. “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional”
maybe you’re right. who knows.
Revenge is a lousy motive, but it perhaps does fulfill a need to get back at those who hurt us. I heard a story one time about a guy who was sent to prison for murder. The father of the murdered person made it his mission to regularly visit his son’s murderer; to find out why he did it, but more importantly to forgive him. The murderer, at first did not know how to respond to this. He was distrustful and wary. After a while, when convinced that the man’s intentions were pure he broke down and cried. It completely changed his life on many levels, which goes to show that forgiveness, while quite often difficult to exhibit, is the much stronger force.
don’t worry i’m not going to kill anyone but myself.