So, I really want to start a campaign to help the world understand the perspective of people with depression. What do you think? Would anyone be willing to describe/illustrate how the world looks to them with depression? I want to do a documentary, and I think I could use different peoples’ perspectives, anonymously, of course. I made a camera obscura, which basically captures an upside version of the world, and I want to use it as the premise of the film. Like the world is flipped upside down with depression. It changes how you perceive things, you know? Just wondering what you all thought as people who struggle with it as I do.
I know this might seem odd or invasive, but it’s really just a chance for your voice to be heard. I know for some, it seems like this is it, that you can’t make a difference. But I want to try, and with your stories, you can help too. Let me know if you’re interested in sharing your story or even just a quote about your experience. I’m also including artwork or poetry in this. If you have something like that to contribute, I’d love to have it too. I’ll give you credit if you want it, but you can also be entirely anonymous. Please, consider it. I promise, it’s to help, not hurt.
1 comment
i like the idea a lot
a quote: “Life sucks and then you die.” – from my dad
it’s hard to put into words how i perceive everything. i hate it all though. everything.
Limp Bizkit did a pretty good job in the song Hot Dog – you should check it out