It’s been nearly a year since you made your departure from this world. Regardless of what anyone else tries to convince me, I know that I am to blame for that. You are the mother of my child, inspiration to the world, my lover, and my best friend. I’ve just a few more things I need to take care of before this bleak existence of mine draws to an end.
Rest easy, my love.
I’ll see you soon.
Hit the brakes… You are purposely making your own child an orphan? I don’t understand… There’s a part of her there. Why would you put the hurt on them? I really don’t understand why more pain has to happen. Then again, what makes you think you will have satisfaction of any kind after death? I wish you well, sir.
My daughter is no longer here. She passed away about a year and a half before my girlfriend took her life.
I’m sorry for your lose. Never easy and no matter how long it has been since they have passed, for me it was always as if it were yesterday.
Peace be with you