Have I distanced everyone to shield them from the inevitable or is my isolation pushing me towards the abyss. The answer changes with each day.
Have I distanced everyone to shield them from the inevitable or is my isolation pushing me towards the abyss. The answer changes with each day.
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“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
To answer your question: it is both. You become what you fight. You identified a monster and went to war… and in so doing, went toward this thing you fight, learning its every motion, becoming more alike… and it is a self-affirming battle that can only cause what you fear, that monster in that abyss that also stares into you… to become more true.
It’s a good observation, though… to realize that the question of “am i doing this, or is it doing me?” is actually an important one. Perhaps each day’s different answer, is simply a different angle or view, a different perspective on something you’ve zoomed into.
Value yourself and your struggles, and the life you lead, above whether or not everyone else approves. The battle you’re fighting is really just You vs. You. The history of your life is one in which you became preoccupied with fighting yourself… and became the very thing you fought, from which you hoped to protect “everyone.”
If you become your own monster… who will protect You?
Master your past, begin your present, and decide to fight the war of becoming who you want to be… instead of leading yourself through an endless war against yourself.
I’ve read your response a few times and will likely read it some more.
Clever’s reply reminded me of the Latin phrase “Abyssus abyssum invocat” or “the abyss calls to the abyss”
I’ve been on a path of isolation for years, and yes it has pushed me further each day. I think that’s a good thing, though. At least I’m going somewhere instead of stagnating. Hell is as good as any other destination.
Have you considered that you might believe the answer changes each day simply because both arguments within your statement are true?