My high school life is hard, no doubt. All high school life is hard! But when you come home your mom calling you and saying “Your dad just texted me and told me that there are boobs on your profile, you need to go delete it and change your password” you just cant escape… I’ve been hacked three times by my ex boyfriend… He doesn’t realize that employers check your social media to see if you’re gonna be worth it. This kid is trying to ruin my life. I cant even go home and relax without having to deal with all of the stupid social media. and I cant even delete my profile because he always changes my password. I cant escape the bullying, I cant escape the pain, I cant escape the razors. This is why kids are in so much pain all the time, because of idiot who know how to click a damn button.
That should disable the account indefinitely. Unless he has the password for your e-mail address, you can do it. After that, just leave your facebook disabled for awhile and enable it again or make another account. Scan for viruses on your computer and make a very long password with letters AND numbers, something only you can remember.
I’m sorry that you’re going through all this. I hope this helps you out.
Your ex is cyberbullying you and you should get the cops involved. Cyberbullying is a crime and he can be punished for doing what he is doing. You shouldn’t tolerate that crap from him. Students have killed themselves over cyberbullying so it is taken very seriously now.