I just saw a very selfish hateful post. calling us all “pussies” for coming here for the help. it makes me think are they upset having troubles or something and just take it out on other people. or just plain old hateful and don’t care about others feelings and emotions. what do you guys think? could there be something running through there mind there just afraid to speak of? if so what could we do to get it out of them so they would feel better? or do you think it could just be hatefulness?
Sometimes I do wonder about other people?? Do you??
written by blulightning20
Dr Phil once said that the theory that bullies are low self-esteem people lashing out to feel better doesn’t hold up in the face of the evidence. Studies show that bullies are mostly high self-esteem people who genuinely get off on seeing others in a state of suffering and feeling powerful.
With this in mind, I vote for hatefulness.
Eh. *shrug* Anyone who ever lashed out at me without rhyme or reason don’t deserve my sympathies nor my respect, even if their excuse was “Oh I’m sorry, I just had a bad day” etcetera — Gah~ha, that isn’t justifiable hostility…. Usually I chalk it up to lack of maturity. Now I’ll quote my dearest chum: “Though physically many appear to be men and women, few are actually mentally at that level.” ↠So you can disregard ageism. Who cares anyways. They may hate you but they might possibly hate themselves more.
Did I stay on topic?? Oh well.
Sometimes I want to tell people all the truth about what I think of them. But I will never, never do that.
There are assholes around here, too. We can’t help it. However ridiculous this sounds, but all in all mess spreads everywhere.
They don’t deserve your concern.