Life is great. Their are ups and downs to life. Some go through hard times. But life, breathing and moving is a gift. We were born into this world with a head, arms, legs, brain and a heart. We are born into a place where there is beauty. Death is apart of life, but we shouldn’t be in a hurry to die, death is not what our purpose is on Earth. Yes, no one asked us if we wanted to be born, but at one point we were prayed for. Look around, beauty is all around, life. Living, breathing, and beating hearts. Life will always knock you down, it is your choice to get up or stay down, you can let depression and suicidal thoughts consume you, but it is good to think twice about it. As long as its your choice, clear in conscious, you who decided to give up what was givin to you. Your choice, not the fear of being bullied, or abused making that choice, knowing that’s what you truly want. But I will not tell you what to do, it is up to, I do not know you, but I truly care about lives and people, if you ever want to talk I’m here 🙂