Does anyone know a good website that can help me plan my funeral so my family wont be left with so much burden. Â Please do not respond with stupid stuff that is not helpful. this is a serious matter and getting dumb replies just verifies my need to be done with the stupid ass people here on earth.
I’d be willing to bet such a thing can be successfully “googled.”
As to whether such a service might have “a good website,” i rather doubt it. It’ll most likely be a very rudimentary, ugly, quite basic site, with bare-minimum functionality… which may or may not function correctly.
Lots of businesses “shoot themselves in the foot,” by half-assing their website.
I’m not personally in the assisted funeral planning business, and i have yet to investigate such a thing, to determine whether any such suitable service even exists. Although, i would imagine that there are plenty of terminally ill people in this world, who want to handle their own arrangements, and that someone has previously noticed this “business niche,” and has implemented measures to provide such a service.
You should just google it. That’s exactly what i’d be doing.
If you’re going to be gone anyway, why worry about search-term tracking? Be a responsible ‘net user and clear your cache and history when you’re done.
I’ve pre-arranged my cremation with the Neptune Society. I paid a little over 2000. I carry a card in my wallet so when I go, my body will be sent to the Neptune Society and everything is taken care of. They have a good website with the info.
@mizkaypuck hey I wanted to let you know that God loves you. I know you’ve probably heard it before but He does. I do too as a friend:) hey God sent His Son Jesus to die for you because He loves you. He died for all of us because you know what? We’re all sinners. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Hey I know you have been through alot but look to God and accept His love and His salvation. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Hey will you do that? He cares for you. God can change your life:). Will you give it a shot at least? God s real and His love is too. 🙂
I’ve tried the God and Jesus route several times during my 50 plus years. Got me feeling good for short periods of time until I realized it’s all nonsense. It may do you good pyschologically at first to think that you’ve finally found the answer. But then reality sets in and you realize that you truly are alone. Going to church is fun at first, you think that you’re finally maybe going to make some friends. Then you realize how fake and phony most church goers can be. I really don’t think posting your Jesus propoganda here does anybody any good and may even do harm. Plus it’s against the rules for posting here.
I dont think i believe in God. He has nothing to do with my chemical imbalance of being bipolar. My believing in him will not magically stabilize my moods and make me not constantly think about suicide. I need real help. God cant save me.
Thank you @RenoBill. I know @Helovesyou means no harm but that did not even remotely answer the question i had posted.
HAHA facepalm. Somewhere it actually says DON’T COME HERE TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL. Noobs.
@mizkaypuck I hope you find peace in all your endeavors.