Hes the one guy ive loved unconditionaly, stupid sying that since in merely 16. we nerve kissed or talked much. but he fixed me, i could trut him. Then he left, just vanished without saying good bye. i started breaking again, everything went wrong but i was on my own, found that cutting helped ( yes stupid old lovesick naive idiot that i was) a year later he emailed me, we talked and he said he still loved me… i let my guard down, i wanted to feel again, i believed it. then he vanished again, a month letter i found out he’d been engaged. but hes now moving back home for good, saw him the other week… its just messing with my head. i know the old me misses him…
You seem intelligent. So I think you can understand that it’s ok to have these short relationships, they are useful at this age your in and you should enjoy the moments while they last, while they are new and exciting. And it’s ok to feel hurt, the heart loves to express both happiness and loss. It’s ok to be sad from time to time, as long as you can pick yourself back up when the good times come back around. And try not to cling to one guy for now, it gets hard when you end up clinging to one guy after another. Boys appreciate you more when they think your not gonna stick around for them. If you want to switch it up on them.
thats the thing i have trust issues, i cant trust guys, if i see a male walking on the sidewalk I get anxious and freak out … but he never hurt me or anything. i hate relationships, i avoid getting into them like the plauge, leave before im left… i became wary of guys before i met him, and after. he’s an enigma…
That’s kinda how it’s suppose to be. Don’t be fooled by nature. There is no such thing as a girl who fell in love with a guy who didn’t mesmerize them. Guys can be very tricky…I know! I am one! Be confident. Not everyone will try to hurt you but it’s good to be wary that some guys just hurt some girls. But it’s ok to feel effection without trusting a person totally, there is no rule that says you have to trust the guy you are attracted to. And there is no rule that says an attractive guy has to be trusted. Idk if this confuses things more for you?
i have a simular story aha guys are very wisshy wasshy (no offense) im only 16 but ya know (:
i have a simular story aha guys are very wisshy wasshy (no offense) im only 16 but ya know (:
There are people here who care.
Not all guys are good, and not all are bad, but you can always email me:
I will try to be a good friend to you.