Ive been clean for 2 months now but the struggle is still real im always thinking if i just had a line how great i would feel. I was sitting at a party tonight thinking why the fuck am i here whats the point wheres my joy. I should be having the time of my life but i cant break past the walls. I dont know whats happening i have a good job, good friends, good girl. But somehow i cant find happiness, how is one supose to want to live when he has everything he needs and wants but still is never happy. In the end i guess ill just keep faking my smile and acting happy until i finally end it all.
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Who’s to say whether someone “should” be happy?
Maybe “all” that just doesn’t fulfill your deepest desires. Faking your smile and acting happy won’t change anything. It could help you to tell the people close to you about the way you are. Or you could try therapy to get out of the “drug-obsessed” mindset.