Christianity says god hates the liar, the theif, the fornicator, the idol worshiper, the blashemizer, the homosexual. THOSE PPL are hated and go to hell to burn forever. THe pain down there was so severe the devil had to blow a bullet through theier heads to make it stop. the CHristian god hates the doubleminded, and the weakminded and those that belong to satan. I am a victim of child abuse, sexual abuse and suffered a hate crime most of my life. i mock the numbers 33 they show up with a one track mind out to love and compare shit to diamonds. I HATE HIS GUTS. they talk about how fat and ugly and unappealing she is to the male race and mock her bleieve in love when every man including tyler was for the Christian’ god’s love of muslims. I HATE THEM. Christianity is sending me to hell, a poor child from sri lanka they mocked and mistreated. I HATE THEM. they are abusing me.
Wait – the Christian god actually mentioned the concept of Hell somewhere in the Bible? I thought every mistaken reference to that concept was actually a reference to getting buried and decaying. Also, I don’t think the Christian god that Christians talk about, and the Christian god that’s written about in the bible are two very different things. The Christian god in the bible liked to play practical jokes on people to demonstrate the fact that he was the supreme being, and not human beings. He also liked pointing out how dumb it is when humans mistakenly think the idea that they have in their heads of what god should be, is what god actually is. And yet…. so many people still do that same thing. It’s a quandary that explains why the god in the bible had to create his quorum of personalities – that strange idea of the trinity. If he wasn’t talking to himself, then he’d get really lonely, probably.
Also I think that the Christian god that Christians talk about, and the Christian god written about in the bible, are two very different things. * Whoops, fingers move faster than brain. Bad brain. Ketchup.
Sorry to hear all of that ! You are not fat or ugly or worthless. You deserve to enjoy life no matter who you are. Don’t listen to any of these people whether they are Christian or Muslim if what they tell you doesn’t make you feel good about yourself. Hope you feel better 🙂