I know it’s a naive question, but I want to leave this planet soon and was thinking about either making my own exit bag or look to buy one online if they even sell them online. What are the steps to making your own exit bag with ********? And how can I get the ********? Should it be high purity ******** or just pure ********? I tried looking up these questions myself online but all I kept running across were a bunch of ignorant anti-assisted suicide websites. Thank you for reading and hope to hear from someone soon. 🙂
Get a big garbage bag. open garbage bag. climb in garbage bag so only your head is poppping out. use hose to fill bag with water. that will make you a ghetto pool.
oops I meant to say should it be high purity ******** or either 99.8% pure ********? As I have seen on an industrial website they have so many different concentrations of ******** and I was wondering if that even mattered? Will 99.8% work just as good as high purity or any other concentration? Do I need to pick a particular concentration of ******** is what I am trying to ask, 🙂
@ifoundmeanyou: Hey asshole if you’re not going to leave a relevant useful answer don’t answer at all. If I wanted advice on how to drown I would have asked. Thank you.
H20+garbage bag. Ghetto pool. Have fun, it’s hot today.
Go fuck yourself, how about have fun with that? 🙂
Have you read or purchased the peaceful pill handbook? It has indepth instructions and descriptions on assisted or unassisted suicide. I would say give it a good look, you can find it online, you may find what you’re looking for. Good luck
Peaceful Pill? I have never even heard of it. I will check it out for sure. Thank you!
I’m sorry yasmine. Your post is most likely going to be deleted because the people you describe have now taken over this site, as you have seen. You need to search for an old post on the same topic then comment on it. They can’t delete posts older than a week. Check out Helium Hood Method post.
Okay that’s fine. I didnt know that and I just happened to run across this site when searching about assisted auicide.
I thought this was an assisted suicide site because I know I saw a website with people getting their questions about how to have a peaceful suicide answered and I thought this was the site. It looks like that website I saw. I apologize for my mistake.
That must have been prior to 2012. It was never an assisted suicide site. More a place where people at different stages in life sought appropriate answers that met their requirements. It was never pro suicide, more pro choice.
This is a great place for people who hate Facebook! lol
Oh okay. Sorry hun. And I apologize again.
I’m not even sure if I want to die anyway. I think I just feel that way because I’m overwhelmed with alot of stuff in my life. I’m 21. Hopefully someone here can encourage me to live and be happy instead.
If you want to talk about it, there are people willing to listen, who have experience what your going through. Maybe that’s the best way forward. What do you think.
I think it’s best to talk about it too and to try and look at life more positively. But that’s the problem I find it hard to be more positive. It seems like I’m never meant to be happy and only meant to have hopes and dreams broken. Hopefully my stay here will get me more optimistic. 🙁
I’m sorry about some of the comments you received above. Most of the people on here are struggling with severe depression and suicidal thoughts for many reasons. Read the posts. If you make your own post, someone will comment. Someone will support you. I’m confident you’ll be ok if you give it a chance.
I wrote a post the other day called “today’s random thoughts” , read it..maybe it can give you a small bit of inspiration. There are many people who care here, you are in the right place even if you don’t want to die.
Oh thank you guys.. ^-^<3
@duke: It's okay about the first comments I received I know some people are silly. No hard feelings I'm very understanding and forgiving person. Thank you for your welcome and support, too!
@Realtalk30: I will surely read it and thank you for your support and warm welcome too!
People think I’m wrong, that I’m an idiot which is true but this post and your comments prove my point. Some of the most suicidal people can find hope if allowed to do so.
@ The Suicide Project – I rest my case 😉
You seem smart to me hun dont listen to people. I agree with you that suicidal people can find hope. 🙂 Than you once again and I will return here later to read more posts that can help. 🙂
I hope you don’t mean posts about ******** exit bag. Look, email me if you need to talk.
Yeah duke.. Don’t listen to what everyone says..unless its me..then you’re fucked!! lol hehe 😉
Great. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Someone said that on here once. At least it knew where it was going. I think that’s the moral of the story.
So many come backs to think of from that one:
That person shot themselves I think!
You can shoot the horse..who fucking cares if he’s thirsty!
You can lead a horse to water but..hey..that’s my fucking aqua!!
You can lead a horse to water but if you find out that horse is a wild stallion..you would be shit up a creek! 😀
“suicide is incomprehensible to everyone other than the person contemplating it” – Lucy4
I’ve seen people on here create posts like this, purchase all the equipment necessary to end their life yet find a way to live. At the same time, those that can’t shouldn’t have to endure further suffering. It’s an age old question on here.
There is a weakness in me and my reasoning. I don’t want people to die.
Completely ironically I watched a documentary the other day about finding a painless way to execute somebody, and their finding was ******** was the best way to go out, because you’re euphoric and you don’t even realize what’s going on. It was an episode of BBC Horizon on YouTube.
Hi Yasmine,
I am in a similar predicament. I would like to know if you found the details about the purity of ******** required to successfully achieve a peaceful suicide. I imagine you might not respond if you have, so I also reach out to anyone else who may read this.
Hi mundane potato and Yasmine,
The ********, with an “exit bag” method is claimed by Dr Philip Nitschke as fail proof if you follow the instructions exactly, as in his book “the peaceful pill handbook”.
Details such as breathing out all the oxygen from your lungs before placing the exit bag over your head, are essential, I think?
I too want to know about the ******** purity required to be successful, but would it not be better to err on the side of caution and go for the highest purity regardless?
It’s also about the size of the tank and needing a regulator valve to control the duration of the flow, it seems?
I’m in New Zealand and ******** is regulated. You have to fill out forms to acquire it. To purchase the highest quality, known as “instrument grade” (very expensive) I’m guessing you have to invent an intended purpose on the form which would require knowledge of what pure ******** is used for. To get “food fresh” grade (a lower grade) you can say it’s for beer making and dispensing, but it seems risky to go for a lower purity.
Best get the above mentioned book on amazon, the author is the worlds leading expert on this method, he has a Phd in physics as well as being a medical doctor. I would say this is yours and my best bet for accurate expert guidance.
All the best