What’s the point of living if you know you will die in the end? Living when you know in the end that you will die is like going to war and already knowing that you are going to lose. In life you face many challenges and I don’t see the point of trying so hard to overcome these challenges if in the end you will die without a doubt.
What would be the point of living if you were going to live forever? If you already know the outcome, either way is pointless. Being mortal, you can at least say you have no idea how or when you’re going to die, so screw it, who cares? There’s actually no point thinking about it. Especially when a piano might fall on your head at any second.
Or a huge jet engine ala Donnie Darko?
School teaches young people to “set goals” and stay focused on long-term accomplishments, utterly emphasizing the ends, placing the means upon a pedestal, while almost entirely dismissing and disregarding the far more important value of the moment-to-moment, step-by-step, day-to-day of the journey that is this temporary life.
“The Point” of life, is what you do /while living/, not what end you reach, or whatever may or may not happen after you die.
However, school is not necessarily wrong, to teach and guide this way. You’re being trained, perhaps subconsciously, to trade the earliest parts of your life, for an increased chance to maximize usefulness and enjoyment of the rest of it.
Forget the social part of school. It doesn’t matter. Focus on your studies, max out your grades, try your best to put yourself in a position to be able to support yourself later in life. You have to learn something useful and marketable, so that you can make a lot of money, so you can do whatever you want. When you can afford to do whatever you want, then you can, if you want, choose to focus on cherishing each moment, each step, each day, of the rest of your journey, while doing whatever you discover or decide makes you feel that life is good.
And if you don’t trade your youth for the chance to have a worthwhile adult life… then you will end up a miserable and hopeless adult, unable to enjoy the moments and steps and days of the rest of your journey.
The point of living is to live. You know that everyone dies, so that should make you want to do as much as you can, of whatever you think is important, before then. Do it while you can. Use it or lose it. Live your life, or it will pass you by, in what will seem like a few blinks.
I must admit, it’s heartbreaking to see someone young, struggling with the reality of mortality.
I mean, i honestly don’t think i would have any problem with living as i am, until the heat death of the universe… but i certainly wouldn’t want to live forever tormented in constant agony, or subjected to a high amount of horribleness. If i could live forever, i’d get to do almost everything i could possibly think of doing. I honestly don’t think living forever would be all that bad. But we all have to accept that we are mere mortals, and we will die soon enough, and there might be nothing after this. So we might as well try to make the best of what we have, while we have it, since it might be all we’ll ever be.
@Clevername I still don’t see the point of life. I don’t see why I should try so hard to get good grades if I want to die anyways… I mean I’m kinda scared of dying but at the same time I don’t want to live anymore.
Living isn’t simply “living” or breathing. It’s really action. If you’ve seen all you want and have done everything, then I suppose that’s it. I suppose living is also losing the things you didn’t to choose the first time around. Hahaha, there isn’t much of a point to anything so do whatever.
If you have to ask the question, you know you aren’t living yet!
Maybe the point is other people. I can’t say I’m terribly interested in life either and I can honestly claim to have done everything I *want* to do just for me, but I haven’t done everything I should.
When I was suicidal a few years ago my parents made me promise that I would hold out at least until my grandmother passed on – it’d be like murder otherwise, they said, she couldn’t take the strain. She doesn’t deserve it. That made me think. I might be unusually fortunate but my family has done their best by me. I think it’s the least I can do to dedicate the rest of my life to doing what I can for them and becoming a human being they can be proud of. Since I don’t really “want” the rest of my life anyway, no harm in repurposing it right?
I don’t know. Life Seems like pointless suffering to me. And there’s no ends that can justify such barbaric means. For me the point is to escape. In the mean time the point is to care for my beloved pets.
Well, being a bit of a nihilist myself, I honestly believe that life is pointless. There is no point in living for eternity, nor is there a point in dying. You and I both know that nothing ever lasts, for in the end we all die, or else we live on forever, and who wants to live with the same people for eternity? This is why existentialism pisses me off. Existentialism basically suggests that life is pointless, but it is up to us to make our own meaning. We can make our own meaning for our own existence, but life itself has no clear purpose. Because of this, some people have turned to absurdism, or other philosophies that can be quite interesting.
Nonetheless, life seems pointless, and it is really hard to stay motivated when you expect everyone around you to die and leave you. Honestly, and I hate to say this, but I think that suicide is the only cure for these thoughts. Try looking up “existential depression” and see if you can relate to its description. You are certainly not alone.
I feel basically the same as you do, so feel free to comment back.
i’m not sure, actually. i don;t know what life is meant for, when we pretty much live to die..oh well..
If I was going to die today, I’d reflect on mostly good times that I had.
My endless unconditional love for animals & my passion for making people laugh & smile. For it is not your car or the contents of your wallet that will hold your hand & dearly weep with you as you lay on your deathbed but the unwavering human heart of another person. Visit a senior home and ask those waiting to die what’s the point of living? So, why live other than to love and be loved in return?
@guyofagroup That’s powerful but it’s neither new nor relevant, i mean, i does not bear in any way the heaviness of death. You’re right: what you’ve said it’s maybe the most reasonable meaning of life; but a meaning of life is a thing, the meaning of death is another.
And death has no meaning, man, @lorax living forever it does have meaning! If you’re never gonna die, you just need a meaning for life (an occupation, a dream, all those things they say on diapers advertisement). But dying?
Think about how you felt when Alexander the Great was pissing the Persians off, or when Rome declined, or when Napoleon was conquering all Europe: you remember that feeling? I do: it was nothing. And think that the same nothing will guide you until an infinite time, after you’re dead. You still like death?
sad that nobody knew the answer to the question.
It is for HIS glory. You are all suck in me, me, me.
Oh god…
No wonder you don’t get it.
@clevername but from where to get the motivation? man cannot do anything for the sake of doing alone, he needs a purpose for doing something. how is one supposed to a single step on a road whose end we know is in futility…and even more when you even have to struggle and face difficulties from outside for taking that step?
clevername is clearly just a whiner and an elitist who *thinks* he is wiser than the rest of all humanity.
He is lost and does not even realize it. Truly sad.
The motivation for life itself, is different than the motivation for school. School is about ends, results, and honing the methods and means to those desired ends… but those “ends” are not finalities. They are merely more means to other experiences. The value of life is in the living, in the doing, in the going, in the experiencing of all that can and should be experienced, and without taking any steps, you aren’t actually making a journey.
Life is not about the end. It’s about what you do before you expire. It’s a temporary thing that can be maximized and thoroughly cherished, savored. I don’t know how to adequately explain that to someone who is still surrounded by the modern results-based schooling institution.
If you don’t get through school, you’ll never have a chance to live to figure out just how much better life can be, or why it’s valuable. But if you don’t make your schooling useful, and learn how to excel in acquiring and managing monetary resources, you probably won’t have much of a life anyway. Being poor sucks. If you can’t have fun and can’t even maintain your own health, then very few people will value the prospect of spending time with you. That will make you alone, without fun, and unhealthy. So stop worrying about what a bunch of “kids” think (since they don’t even know life yet, themselves), and worry about kicking school’s ass, so you can go on to have a good adult life, afterward… so you can do as much of what you might want, as possible, before you eventually die, like we all someday will.
You have to believe there are things worth doing, worth succeeding to enable, worth putting the effort, time and energy, into whatever means are required for your desired “ends,” so that your ends can avail you to motivating opportunities.
I’m not even going to dignify that with a relevant response.
Or maybe i will:
You think it’s “obvious,” that life is all about giving glory to a non-existent god. As if any such being would care about, even prioritize such a trivial human concept as “glory.” How pathetically preposterous. You are clearly mentally defective. That is truly sad.
I agree there, although maybe in some different sense. its one thing to reach the top and then throw it away and its another to remain below and accumulate reasons against top. even if conclusions are same, the “truth” in them is different. in latter there is a psychological pressure and regret.
To sell hats.
@clevername I haven’t read all the discussion properly (you write long as shit!) but as an atheist, i feel like i have to do a step forward and say you: religion is not for dummies. There is a tremendous good reason to believe in some god and that is: death.