I tried to kill myself in May by drinking a bottle of Tylenol. It was my moms birthday, and by far the worst thing I’ve ever done to her. I was at my lowest, struggling with depression that had been there since I was 11. But I can say that since that day, things have been looking up for me. Its been a bumpy road, lots of ups and downs, but its been going up in general. I never thought I would see the day where I would be confident again like I was as a little girl, where I could actually like myself sometimes. For all of you who are struggling with depression, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, anything- I know how freaking cliché and stupid it sounds but it really gets better. Get help with someone, anyone. It can be a therapist, a friend, family member, even a teacher or co-worker. Just talk or journal. Try to turn your painful thoughts around, the way you word your thoughts can change your view (I was very surprised with this). Please don’t kill yourself. I promise you someone in the world values you, you will be missed. You might not see it right now, but someone needs you to be here, without you they will break too. I never thought that I would be able to feel like this again, and I don’t feel like this all the time, but its so much better. It’s like being able to breathe again. I love you all, don’t allow sadness to take your beautiful light out of the world. Sadness doesn’t deserve you, you’re too good.
1 comment
Thank you for this. I too know how vital other people are to my existence, yet i always let my own thoughts forget that and shun people away. I’ll try really hard to not do that this year.