I have set the date for when I am going to kill myself. It may happen before then but I have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.  I’m just so sad all the time and I think about killing myself every day. I don’t want to live like this for the next 20-40 years.  From the outside my life looks great. I have a job where I make good money. I have a wife and kids. If you look close though it all seems meaningless. M job causes me so much stress that I’m exhausted most of the time. My wife won’t have sex with me and finds me repulsive. I’ve eaten myself into obesity partly because it’s one of the only things I can do to keep my feelings down and partly  because I’m hoping to have a heart attack. I keep hoping an accident will kill me.
what about your kids? studies show children are more likely to kill themselves if a parent has. as for your wife, maybe you should try to reconnect with her. how long have you been in this down phase for? married couples always go through troubled times. is there really no hope?
Just make sure you leave at peace with your children. And at peace with your decision. Best luck to you sir.
If you don’t mind answering, Can I ask about your early life. Like were you ever suicidal in school or college? Back then how did you feel your life was going to turn out? Did you ever consider yourself doing something “meaningful”(even in the vaguest sense of the word)? and this ones kind of personal but do you really love your wife and kids? what were you expecting when got married or when you !fell in love with your wife?