I absolutely dread tomorrow, because tomorrow I have school, I have to attend hell on earth. I have no idea why I hate school so very much, but hey don’t we all. I’ve never hated school so much, but this year I feel nauseous about even going. See the thing is I’m doing winter conditioning for crew, and it screws me up. Because if I go my grades tumble down, and if I don’t my mother makes me feel like a complete failure. What do you guys think I should do? Like I want to talk  to her but I have no idea what to even want to say. Plus, the quarter is over at the end of the month, and that is the most stressful time. And I do NOT react well to stress, I don’t have the best coping skills.. What should I do?
You should hope for the snow to come. 😀
What should I say to my mom, should I even say anything.
Well, are is crew something you care or are passionate about?
No, not necessarily
Well, I used to go to a normal school. Now I’m on independent study because of my social anxiety. Try to convince them to let you do it if you think it will help. But you will drift from your friends, that’s just a given. The loneliness is consuming me, personally. But it might be different for you.
I’ve been trying to ‘ditch’ my friends recently, they don’t really bring happiness to my life.
Make sure that’s what you want. Experience it for yourself.
Dear AnxietyAddict,
Trying to ditch your friends because they don’t bring you happiness……What are traits that you are looking for in your friends? If you found like minded friends would there be a possibility of happiness, or would the anxiety not allow it.
You are not your grades! I am not saying give up and drop out. I am saying you may be counting steps when you should be dancing.
You have a great point, I really just want/need someone who really understands me. I just wish I wasnt so stressed.
I know in the long run ditching my friends isnt a good decision
You need them and they need you. For different support at different times. Don’t be surprised or angry if the friends change with time, we are all on a road to finding ourselves and there are many forks along the way that branch off and then can reconnect way in the future
one last point before i head off to bed. Later in life when you look back on this school year will it be the grades that you remember or the experiences that earned you those grades? Plus, it is always best to talk with your mom, (if she is even borderline rational(not that i can define rational)) you can let loose lots of stress by not carrying around feelings based on assumptions/ fear. Make a list of your fear/concerns and speak with your mom.
Then you could be honest about it and maybe replace it with a different sport or club or activity – something to nurture your talents.