Here are a few songs that I have listened to constantly when I feel depressed or suicidal. Hope you like them 🙂
1. Whispers By David Baxter Ă‚
2. Running Up That Hill By Placebo
3. What Now By Rihanna
4.Yellow Light By Of Monsters And Men
5. After the Storm By Mumford & Sons
6. Amsterdam By Coldplay
7. Hurt By Johnny Cash
Tell me, does listening to all of this make you feel better or worse?
Some of the lyrics just speak to me you know. I don’t know it gives me slight comfort. But sometimes when I am just depressed I play it in the background as I shut everything out.
Hmm.. I find that sad songs encourage sad feelings..
When I’m truly at a low, I can’t really stand music. I think it’s because it cannot encourage any more of that emotion, I don’t really know though. Everything doesn’t seem enough.. I guess like trying to cook with a toothpick? lol.
I’d say that you need to be cautious if you start feeling more emotional when listening to songs.. sure, it’s good to purge a few tears every now and then – but you don’t want to make yourself feel worse.
I understand, but there no need to concern yourself for me : ) When I listen to this music it relaxes me and doesn’t make me sad. It doesn’t affect my emotions. In fact it chills them out. I don’t know if I’m making sense but yeah. Thank you for your concern though.