I know we’ve all had some pretty crappy ones… But what’s the happiest memory that you have?
For me, it was when I told Zoe that I loved her for the first time and she said it back.
I know we’ve all had some pretty crappy ones… But what’s the happiest memory that you have?
For me, it was when I told Zoe that I loved her for the first time and she said it back.
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It was getting a promotion at work several years ago. I had lived and breathed work for an eternity and it was a great feeling to finally get it.
the diary and poems i wrote back in school.
apsolute peace when looking at the sun…
The year 1999 when I’ve met my first and last girlfriend 🙁
May 2010
Martin get grip you can do better than this.
My happy memories are coated in sorrow from other things that were going on at the same time. I think about most of them now that I’m older, and understand that most of them aren’t as happy as I once thought they were.
I’ve said before during a few posts I made that my life now is better than my life has ever been. I was born male, and have struggled with gender identity for a large part of my life. Even now, there are people who use male pronouns to address me. Mainly old friends, and family who ‘slip up’. Anyway, I’ve always hinted at my Grandmother who I’ve always lived with that I wasn’t comfortable in my body; but two years ago is where I finally put my foot down and began my transition. I fought hard, even against my own family at times, which really got under me. I spent lots of times during this process drained, often in tears at how mean people who were supposed to be there for me were treating me. But deep down, I knew that I was making the best choice I’d ever make in my life.
So here I am almost three years later. People who I meet, who have no idea of my being Transgender, address me with female pronouns. When I go out places with my Grandmother or friends, I get looks from boys who pass by me. I feel so wonderful! So I’d have to say that now, and what may lie in the future, is, and will be, the happiest times of my life! (^^)
Kudos on this thread!
When I realized I was in love with her
nice story, good for you!
When I found the perfect cantaloup and ate it. It was delicious.
I’d had a crush on this girl for a long time. She had dated a friend of mine, so naturally I kept my feeling hidden and played it close to my chest. They broke up and I didn’t see her again for several years. One day, out of the blue, my friend calls and says that his ex’s mom is graduating from college. They’re in town for the ceremony and they’d like me to go. I didn’t want to. The last thing I wanted to see what them patch up their relationship. It was disastrous when it ended and I always felt like a third wheel. After several minutes of convincing, I decided to go. Of course they sat next to each other at the graduation. Went in to the reception afterward to have refreshments while I stayed outside. Those old feelings came rushing back very quickly. Pain, depression, and jealousy. When the celebration had ended we all decided to go to a park near a local river that we had recently discovered. On the way we stopped and picked up a couple of carry out pizzas to enjoy. My friend’s ex was telling us about how she was living with a guy in a different city (roughly an hour away) and that it wasn’t going well. At this point I was standing out on a small gazebo over looking the river and the sun was starting to set. My friend’s ex was behind me, looking out of in a different direction. Feel exhausted and depressed, I started to head back to the car. As I walked by her, she grabbed my arm. “Come cuddle with me.” She said as she pulled me toward her. We stood there. My arms around her waist and my chin resting on her shoulder. Im not the kind of person that likes to get my hopes up. That only leads to disappointment, but I did. I talked to my friend after that, and got his okay to ask her out. A few weeks later, she had split from the guy she was living with and we started dating.