why is suicide illegal in america? if you are an adult and wish to end it, how is that a crime??? this is silly. how can they enforce it? whats the penalty, life in prison? the death penalty? cmon!
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it’s not technically a crime, ha, they just incarcerate you in a psychiatric hospital, not jail
true, but that is if u r unsuccessful. But that begs the question, why is it assumed someone who is suicidal is in need of psychiatric help? What if it is just a rational decision based on one’s circumstances?
Of course, but they just want us to be sane and useful so we can contribute to society their way no matter how painful it is for us. In my opinion THEY should be locked up. If you ask them WHY they live they will probably not have an answer anyway.
Society thinks they are inclined to save us from ourselves.
how can we change this though? If America says it is truly about freedom and bravery….then this country needs to stop trying to save those in their right mind who have decided to move on from this world.
@ tormentedsoul… I have met docs/ therapist while in the hospital that were truly more messed up then me.lol.
I have met totally messed up docs too…. 🙂 They just don’t know what to say, they don’t understand the reality of problems, they are late, forget patients… Often in hospital patients tried to help one another like we do here because if we had to wait for real help from docs we would all still be there…
Can’t really punish the dead… they’re dead!
Also: Hey! You’re starting to realize that what America claims to be, is not what it actually is! It’s a step in the right direction.
Thanks clevername. Many things in life just dont quite add up to me anymore like they used to for me.
Exactly! That´s what I´ve been saying. Suicide is NOT a crime, rather an alternative way to find peace. Funny, in my country, people won´t even care or notice if you kill yourself. Here, solider kills civilians like it´s nothing.
Nothing makes sense to me anymore either. It is like one day I woke up on another planet full of people who just want to control us.
I had posted a thread about suicide legislation not too long ago. I can’t post links in threads posted by others because otherwise they are considered spam, but look up “Suicide Legislation” in the WIkipedia, or find my thread… As I posted in the other thread, I find this sort of funny: “In the late 19th century in Great Britain, attempted suicide was deemed to be equivalent to attempted murder and could be punished by hanging.” Lol…
That’s so smart “Let’s hang everyone who tries to attempt suicide. ” Instead of decreasing the number of suicide attempts, it mostly might have done the opposite, during that time. Lol
Where I was group therapy was 99 % of the program. The blind leading the blind. 🙂 . The patients were more helpful and understanding then the staff.
Omg. Punishable by hanging !!
Suicide should be a right, ill or not. I hope the person considering suicide has thought carefully about their decision if/when they decide to do it
It is not our decision to be born, so we should really have the right to opt out if life is too painful. Otherwise we are just marionettes. Born against our will and forced to live against our will.
Earlier this week The UK Supreme Court considered the appeal of Paul Lamb and Jane Nicklinson who were compaigning for the ‘right to die’. The case involved Tony Nickinson who suffered from locked-in syndrome and Paul Lamb who was paralysed in a road traffic accident. Tony Nicholson lost his High Court case last year and eventually died naturally after refusing food. They wanted the law to be changed to allow doctors to assist patients to die.
The issue in the case was whether a prohibition on assisted suicide was compatible with the right to respect for private and family life under the European Convention on Human Rights.
The Justices rejected the appeal. After the decision Lamb said “I haven’t committed a crime, I don’t deserve to be punished like this”.
However, as a result of this case the Court have made recommendations because they were of the view that the current law is unsatisfactory. In other words we need an act of parliament to sort it out because it related to moral questions and not points of law.
I’ve just summed it up but the full article can be found on the BBC website or, if you’re really really interested you can wait for them to publish the full judgement.
I actually read that article yesterday, duke. I was angry until i realized why it worked out that way. It’s still… uhh… unsatisfactory, but… at least now the issue has been raised as important, and passed along to the group more appropriately… qualified? Man i had trouble avoiding redundancy here. Interesting stuff nevertheless.