I have two questions regard death by hanging, suspension , without breaking of the neck. The first question is will you feel anything after losing consciousness ? I know the feeling of lungs heaving must be painful but I want to know if someone would experience it at all, since after 10 seconds or so the person would be passed out. Is it a painful experience? The second question is how loud is the sound of someone suffocating during suspension hanging?? Is it possible for someone to hear, gagging, choking, or lungs heaving while passing? If so from how far away? through a wall? More specifically if the person is in their own home is it possible for a neighbor to hear while walking by outside?
Thank you
No methods man, this post is going to be deleted. Read the rules. Why don’t write a post about why you want to know about hanging instead?
Exactly. we don’t want to read about hanging. We want to all be friends and live happily ever after in peace and harmony. That’s what this site and the people here are really about. I hope most of the posters here live miserable and uneventful lives.
Ever since some bad events happened to me such as my medical conditions I do live in a miserable uneventful life which totally sucks to which I can easily get frozen in fear. Peace out
I would say you would become dillusional and disoriented and pass out after about 2minutes think how long you can hold your breath for. If there is no kicking or banging they wouldn’t be able to hear a sound as the sound you make comes from your throat and breath and that would be cut off.
I have thought about hanging also but am afraid of the few minutes of suffocation and pain. I’m a nice guy and hate pain so hence am doing it in a CO filled car. I hate pain.
Had someone strangle me in the psych wards once and seen my life flash before my eyes maybe its not so bad aftetall.
Eh, probably not supposed to respond but since the alcohol is kicking in anyway…
I’d recommend Geo Stone’s book on more info first of all. But second is that unless you share a wall with someone or hang yourself right next to the door, no one should be able to hear. The main sounds will come from your body thrashing about to get free. Any verbal sounds you make will pretty much be non existent, just can’t say the same for kicking the doors or walls (which is what I’m worried about).
I gave it a go once…was painful and left me with rope burns around my neck. Mum jokingly asked me if I tried to hang myself. I said nothing. I would say don’t do it.
Most of the people hanged without the neck-breaking look as if they died without pain in a few seconds, but there are also a few that look as if they struggled a lot before passing out.