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Today i am feeling happy and its been hard lately, but i want to share my happiness with all of you because every single person deserves and has the right to be HAPPY! You are strong and you are worth it, keep fighting <3
***Spread the happiness***
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Cue the bitter and cynical to attack this post lol
it’s a nice sentiment, but it doesnt have much effect on a suicide forum where everyone is convinced they want to die and are expressing their intention to do so, if you lack conviction to kill yourself maybe this post is for you.
Is it just me or does it look like the P kicked the Y? And everyone is gathering around the P like he is a good guy! Geez you find bullies everywhere.
Nice flowers though!
Wait! omg I just realized those flowers are dead! Sunflowers are not that short. Those are corpses. And among the corpses are bullies! And you posted this on a suicide site with depressed people!
smile, even when people despite to be nothing but negative 😉
It’s great your feeling happy. I am happy for you.
Seeing others happy makes me wonder when my turn will come. You’re lucky.
Today I woke up and felt flat. It’s like I am going through the motions of living. Eating shower eating and I call people but they are too busy. It’s a beautiful day and I’m going to eat again. Trying to stay positive but underneath I feel lonely…Noone calls anymore. I had my 15 minutes and now what’s my purpose in life. Miss my family…just sad
Well then. ^^;
This is sweet of you, but like the first guy, it seems almost a little too out of place. 😕 Maybe. :p
I mean, I have moments of being happy and I’m not depressed all the time myself, but yeah…