i know u about as well as i know God; which is not at all; in fact if u want to really know mine own mind of the fucking thing; i often question his very existence…..i feel it’s quintessential to establish this fact first, because i want you to know and fully understand i mean NO disrespect in regards to what i am about to say;but do u not feel as though posing this question, at the very least, makes anyone who offers you sound advice towards the predicament which you currently find yourself in, a complacent abettor in this act, and at the very worst,a coadjutant “silent partner” if you will, and hence, culpable for any hypothetical misuse of information divulged by said person…..So, in conclusion, and in the great words i imagine many a swarthy bartender, and perhaps the odd heroin addict, or maybe an alcaholic blues man hath spaketh fore nigh;this ain’t the place yer lookin fer, brother; try a sailor; or a boyscout (i’d imagine only the bluesman or heroin addict would say this last part….except maybe if u asked a homophobic bartender where to get some strange)…hope this at least cracks a smile (maybe?) n if u ever wanna talk, fuckin email me; i have a very sympathetic ear, but a hard hart
Gah. That’s creepy. Sorry for not helping. I just find it a cruel way to do it.
Mind giving life another chance? eh… Wrong sentence.
Mind giving yourself another chance/reason to live?
Or maybe posting that question on this site is intended to be the start of your getting healthy journey.
I’m sure there’s a lot of sites that can answer what you seek, but you chose a suicide support, forum, chat site, to ask such a question, knowing full well we won’t answer it.
I’m here also, send a message or email whatever, I’m bipolar so I’m awake quite a bit. Read my post on my close friends suicide and really consider those around you. You would be surprised by the trauma and affect that your suicide would cause.
And someone has to find you. How would your parents, siblings, friends, neighbours, or a passer by feel by seeing that? Suicide is so final. I had a guy jump in front of my truck early one morning. He jumped from his balcony and landed in front of me. I can’t get the image of the destruction and mess that he made. It fucked me up for months.
I hope you find what you need here and take up the offer to chat to someone. Hang in there.
i know u about as well as i know God; which is not at all; in fact if u want to really know mine own mind of the fucking thing; i often question his very existence…..i feel it’s quintessential to establish this fact first, because i want you to know and fully understand i mean NO disrespect in regards to what i am about to say;but do u not feel as though posing this question, at the very least, makes anyone who offers you sound advice towards the predicament which you currently find yourself in, a complacent abettor in this act, and at the very worst,a coadjutant “silent partner” if you will, and hence, culpable for any hypothetical misuse of information divulged by said person…..So, in conclusion, and in the great words i imagine many a swarthy bartender, and perhaps the odd heroin addict, or maybe an alcaholic blues man hath spaketh fore nigh;this ain’t the place yer lookin fer, brother; try a sailor; or a boyscout (i’d imagine only the bluesman or heroin addict would say this last part….except maybe if u asked a homophobic bartender where to get some strange)…hope this at least cracks a smile (maybe?) n if u ever wanna talk, fuckin email me; i have a very sympathetic ear, but a hard hart
Gah. That’s creepy. Sorry for not helping. I just find it a cruel way to do it.
Mind giving life another chance? eh… Wrong sentence.
Mind giving yourself another chance/reason to live?
Or maybe posting that question on this site is intended to be the start of your getting healthy journey.
I’m sure there’s a lot of sites that can answer what you seek, but you chose a suicide support, forum, chat site, to ask such a question, knowing full well we won’t answer it.
I’m here also, send a message or email whatever, I’m bipolar so I’m awake quite a bit. Read my post on my close friends suicide and really consider those around you. You would be surprised by the trauma and affect that your suicide would cause.
And someone has to find you. How would your parents, siblings, friends, neighbours, or a passer by feel by seeing that? Suicide is so final. I had a guy jump in front of my truck early one morning. He jumped from his balcony and landed in front of me. I can’t get the image of the destruction and mess that he made. It fucked me up for months.
I hope you find what you need here and take up the offer to chat to someone. Hang in there.