I was sopossed to go to bed early so i could get uo early and go job huntimg so i dont have to work somewhere for minimum wage where they dont pay me for holidays and cut my hours on my pay.
But last night i stayed up late on the couch watching netflix, because my boyfriend was angry at me he just went to bed and i didnt want to go to bed with him angry.
I guess sometimes im easily offended and easily hurt. We went grocery shopping and he kept on bugging me. And then some guy walked by and he said that the guy said i was being ridiculous. Which he didnt. He was bugging me. So i got angry and he said “i dont even wanna be here i just wanna go home now”
So iput everything back and we went to the gas station so i could pick up smokes. While i was in the store he decided to get out and walk home. Across the city. He wouldnt answer me i didnt know where he was so i sat there and waited for an hour until he finally answered me. Then i drove home and he went to bed and i stayed up late.
And i missed the jumpyard for my friends birtbday (shes moving away next week too 🙁 )and i have no motivation to get up and go job hunting which is stupid because come monday im going to be crying about going to work.
This afternoon when i woke up my boyfriend got a call from my fucking father who is nothing to me but a lie. I guess hes going to work for him tidaywhich means im gonna be home alone and sad all day with no motivation to do anything but slit my fucking thighs.
ON ANOTHER NOTE HAS ANYONE SEEN OR HEARD FROM DARKWILLOW. 🙁 he usually gets back to me everyday and its been a week or so. Havent seen any posts either. 🙁 just hope hes ok.
1 comment
what a bad turn of events.. sometimes it takes a day to sleep over and it might be better the next day with the relationship. Try to go to the job event day. Best of luck !
I think darkwillow is having some problems with phone. (so I have been told, by someone else)