I wish the littlest things didn’t bother the shit out of me. My iphone just broke after trying to update, because Apple is a stupid fucking piece of junk company intent on taking money and producing shit products. But we all know this and subscribe anyway. So now all my important contacts are gone, which is awesome considering I NEED TO FUCKING CONNECT TO PEOPLE IN THIS FUCKING DAY AND AGE.
Also ended things with the boyfriend, and am quite repulsed by the selection of men out there. You don’t believe me? Try dating at least three nyc guys without finding the self-absorbed “King of the Universe” bullshit. OH and currently seeing Mr. Mercedes. You want to know how I know all men suck? Because he’s about to be married and yet he is seeing me. And he has no moral qualms about it. I probably should shut it down but I realize at this point monogamy doesn’t exist so why bother.
Yeah trying to scrounge up about couple hundred dollars so I can buy a new phone, hooray/FML.
Alright I realize this just sounds like regular daily crap so here is to not cutting my fucking wrists, which I personally love except I work at a corporate office where I can’t hide scars anymore. Gotta find a good spot!