Dear Main Character,
When I was young I loved watching action movies like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. You know, the movies with the big fantasy world with the super heroic main character. Those kind of movies you dream about. Those ones you somehow wished were reality. When I was young I always thought that maybe life was one big movie and I was the main character. That somehow I’d amount to something wonderfully amazing and everyone would look up to me as their hero with wanting eyes and always come to me to help them. It was a naïve thing to believe, but I really thought that. I grew up a little and realized maybe I wasn’t the main character in the biggest action film, but I was at least still the main character in the movie called my life. You know, maybe a bit more mature, but still naïve. I’ve since watched thousands of movies and grown up quite a bit and more than ever I feel like just a side character anymore. I feel like the character that makes an appearance once or twice and then is forgotten. I mean, I guess what I mean to say is that, I’m not the main character to anyone. I’m not needed by anyone. Not necessarily wanted. I’m just that… side character, you know? When people think of their closest friends I never come to mind. When people fawn over one another, I stand on the outside. When people were getting asked to dances, I never got asked or no one at least dreamt of going with me. I really am starting to think that I’m just so average at absolutely everything, that I’ve just become a side character in this movie called life. I’m not the worst at anything. I’m not nearly bad enough to be looked down on. I’m not nearly smart, attractive, or perfect enough to be anyone’s model. I’m just that super-forgettable side character. And it really sucks. Everyone wants to have an identity. Look back at high school. You had the athletes, the musicians, the super smart kids, the attractive group, the scrubby kids. But I was just too – me – too much of a side character to be any of those things. So I was never necessarily hated or loved, I just was sort of forgotten.
So I write to you now main character of my life, please come find me, your fated side-character. I don’t know who you are, what you are, or even if you’re real, but please come soon. I don’t know if I can hold on forever. I know there is some reason I’m here. I know there is some device in this movie called life that this side character serves, isn’t there?
With regards,
Your side character
>> I know there is some reason I’m here. I know
>> there is some device in this movie called life
>> that this side character serves, isn’t there?
Sometimes the reason can be a little difficult to discover. I’m still in the midst of figuring out what my reason for existing is. Have you thought about what you enjoy doing? Once you’ve identified that, sometimes you can build on it. It can make life a lot more tolerable (and even enjoyable) when you’re doing something that you love to do.
As for being the side character, there really isn’t anything wrong with that. When it comes to your life, the decisions you make, and the roads you take, you do have the ‘main character’ role.
I totally understand where you’re coming from. I get the worthless feelings I do… I wrote some stories just for a hobby really, and I wind up having main characters who have similar characteristics to myself…
In your life, you are the main character. You are also your own filter as well, you percieve things differently from anyone else, based on your own individual experiences.
Every experience helps you grow and develops you into a different person than before.. For better or worse. Just take your time, and learn about yourself, likes and dislikes.. You won’t always know what you hate or like unless you go and try it yourself.
oh man. for me it was a music video.
Like my life was a music video and as long as i had some tunes in my head the story was going along beautifully. Even though my life has been shit for a while and getting worse in many ways.
It’s such a bullshit escape. just another game my brain plays with me to try and cope with my problems.