i dont have the vocabulary to speak. since everything that happens over me, its beyond my comprehension. and i don’t know what to do. its been months that im away from relationships, and it seems that people around me found a way to interact with me thats totally odd, and completely absurd. yet it seems perfectly common to they, and i simply can speak in the same language.
and there is a problem, a huge problem. someone invaded my computer, and keep thinking that is my partner. yet not only these person seems to be reading my data, but there are also these strange way of communication, that seems so unreal, that i even keep thinking about supernatural stuff.
and more than that. there is a story which i dont know if im not the best person to tell, or more than one story, i dont know. i’ve not been acting with good faith, as a long long time, as i just stayed here, lying on my bed, for months and months and months, and somehow, allowed these things happened.
dont know what to say, now. i just saying that im formally excluded of any group that may have been constituted with the material that is on my pc, and no, i wont participate and didnt participate in any of those activities or plans. yet, the material that i have collected maybe is with someone else, but all that i did, was staying here in my bed for months and months, and it is easy to tell.
there are rumours that work for the police. that i work for the army. that i made apologize for torture. that im rapist. that im pedophile. and that im pimp, if that is the correct word.
now, people keep thinking that my pc belongs to my neighbour. and it dont. its my material, that i speent a long long time to collect, and yes i will keep doing my independent studies, and that is it. its simple. look at the data here on my pc, and you will know. i just dont want to use those arguments, cause theyre totally against the interest i want to support, but its the only ones i can have right now. but it wont make anysense, although.