Why do people take advantage of you?
Why are people user-friendly?
Why are people so fake?
Why do i let them do that to me?
I brought this upon myself, the only one to blame is me.
Why do people take advantage of you?
Why are people user-friendly?
Why are people so fake?
Why do i let them do that to me?
I brought this upon myself, the only one to blame is me.
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It’s simple. 🙂
That’s the way people are.
And you are not to be blamed.
It’s them.
If everyone around you are ruining you, don’t you yourself become one of them.
They are already hurt you enough. Now don’t hurt hurt yourself thinking it is your fault.
Make Peace With Yourself. 🙂
1. Why do people take advantage of you?
Because they don’t have a heart-they lack compassion and empathy. They see others as a means to an end and care only for themselves. Sometimes it’s influenced by being in a desperate situation-in those cases I can usually forgive them for it.
So if they’re poor/broke and close to someone who is doing better than them, they will manipulate the other person into helping them. I have a close relative who’s an idiot, a user and a trouble-maker, she’s also an ingrate. But I helped her time after time because initially I thought she could change, but she never did. I mostly did it to keep her from ending up on the street or worse.
She learned some very bad morals because her mother used to spoil her and never taught her to take responsibility for her own actions. So she became a selfish ***** but when she needed help she acted like an angel.
Once I (and other family members) pulled her out from another big mess (usually financial) she got herself into, she went back to being a *****, badmouthing me (and others) behind our back. I’ve washed my hands of this person forever now, she stabbed me in the back one too many times.
2. Why are people user-friendly?
Vague question-if you mean they’re happy to use others, ya it’s a common trait in people. Don’t let yourself get used by them. If you mean that they’re fake-they say the right things to get what they want-it’s just the way the world is right now.
3. Why are people so fake?
Covered above.
4. Why do i let them do that to me?
Because you truly care, you want to help. You believe by helping you’ll build a stronger, healthier relationship and that maybe one day if you’re in trouble they’ll be there for you. Isn’t that what real friends do? Most people are not and will never be a true friend. Or you could be insecure and can’t say ‘no’ to people, esp. when you should, because you fear losing their friendship and respect.
As you can tell I’ve been through something similar. Like I’ve advised my sister, give help only because you want to, never expect anything back. Do it if you feel there’s some greater good being served-but don’t let yourself get used. And if you’re giving money, assume you’ll never be repaid, because in most cases, you won’t unless the other person is trustworthy and has a sense of honor.
5. I brought this upon myself, the only one to blame is me.
Not sure what your situation is, but it sounds like you didn’t know what you were getting into or that it was not the outcome you had expected. So hopefully whatever it was taught you a valuable lesson.
It’s only when I’ve made an idiot out of myself did I start getting wiser/savvier. Now I can read a person like an open book and I never allow myself to get duped or used again.
Your reply explains so many of my problems I’ve had over the years. Only recently have I started to realize some of the answers you give. I’m still learning and reading this has taught and given me some more insight.
I’m happy to hear that you found my advice to be insightful. Ya sometimes when we’re going through a situation, we don’t quite clue in that we’re being used or hurt in some way-until later when when we’ve reflected on it.
Despite what I already know, I’m constantly learning and will on occasion make a dumb mistake from time to time. But I’m a lot more knowledgeable than I ever used to be in the past thanks to the lessons I’ve picked up over time.
Sometimes I’m also impressed by the wisdom that other people have-which offers a new perspective I hadn’t considered. The key is to keep an open mind and then apply it in your own life.
One must also always be open to the possibility that you are wrong or at fault. Most problems/conflicts occur when a person refuses to see they are the one who has made the mistake and not the other party.