I saw my ex has a new gf after 5 months. Never felt this suicidal. Jugged down a bottle of wine already but it doesn’t help.
I saw my ex has a new gf after 5 months. Never felt this suicidal. Jugged down a bottle of wine already but it doesn’t help.
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I’m sorry about your ex. However, there’s obviously reasons why he’s your ex. Also, 5 months isn’t exactly a short amount of time, but the fact that he moved on so “easily” shows that he didn’t truly love you. Double also, he’s your ex, so his life doesn’t, or more accurately shouldn’t, impact your life. Fully separate yourself from him, and what he’s up to. Start building on your own life and on yourself. Just keep going until you find a guy that will love you with his whole body and soul, a guy that will completely eclipse your ex.
I can’t even start my own life without him, I can’t let anyone enter my life the way he did. I just can’t. It’s over. I wanna end since december, now it’s really got seriuos. Good thing that hemlock grows in our area so I can try it out.
I would advise against hemlock. There are numerous types, some completely harmless, some not so much, and some deadly. Even if you hit the “jackpot”, death by hemlock isn’t exactly peaceful. You experience convulsions, urinate yourself, salivate excessively, all the while you’re suffocating. Getting the right amount is also crucial, so this is far from foolproof.
Is there nothing that you enjoy in this world? I find it hard to believe that he encapsulated your whole life, you must have had some individuality separate from him? Also, 5 months isn’t exactly a short amount of time, but it is far from long. You’d be surprised at how much can change through time, and a little effort.
I don’t enjoy anything in this world since we broke up, I am not me, I am not the same as I was.
Hemlock plus a good amount of clonazepin, and I wouldn’t feel a thing. It is fucking over for me.
Ah, that may work, stressing the may. There’s still a shitload of things that can go wrong.
It’s understandable to be in pain, and to find few, or no, things enjoyable after a breakup, but like I said, give it time. I assure you, this will not last. Life is too fluid and random for you to stay like this. Heartbreak is part of life, and it’s clear that he wasn’t the “one”. Try to find yourself again. Do it for yourself. You owe it to yourself, no one else.
I owe myself nothing but peace. And my peace can be achieved by ending this life. I’m trying to find myself almost over a year now, it just doesn’t work. I am lost, I will never be the same, I am missing a big piece of myself, and I will never get it back.
It’s, obviously, ultimately your choice, because it’s your life. However, I guess it depends on your religious inclinations. If you share mine, then there’s nothing after death, and that is not peace. Peace is a thing in itself, and you’ll definitely not experience it in nothingness.
To be frank, that’s not very long. Many people search for years, even decades. Also, you can’t state with certainty that you’ll never be the same, and that you’ll never get that piece of yourself back. It’s only been five months. In the grand scheme of things, that’s minuscule.
I think I’ve had my time, and my share of shit, and I’ve had enough of everything.
Yes, I share your opinion, and nothingness is peace to me. I just would like to go to sleep in peace and never wake up. That’s why the clonazepam and the hemlock. Btw you seem like you know hemlock, you could tell me what you know about it.
I won’t go into all the details, because that would basically be discussing m3thods. Also, I’m not so okay with telling people how to off themselves. However, I’ll give the essentials. There’s a shitload of plants that exist under the genus of hemlock. However, there are four types that are highly poisonous. If you ingest it, it takes up to 30 min for symptoms to appear. These would be shaking, mouth pains, confusion, drowsiness. Over hours the symptoms progress to the inability to control your bowels, violent convulsions, salivating excessively, irregular heartbeat, and paralysis. Then finally you slip into a coma, and subsequently die, due to a lack of oxygen, because of your nervous system failing and one’s inability to breathe. It’s quite a horrendous way to go, it takes hours. Also, I have no idea how the clonazepam will affect the process, it may even worsen it. Hemlock is very fickle.
***** shut up think about what you said
What is wrong with you? I’ve seen your idiotic insulting replies to multiple posts now. I used to do stupid crap like that, but then I turned 13, and realized only a major jackass does that. Anyways, feel free to insult me back if you feel the need. I will just have to remind myself that I am being insulted by someone who clearly has the mental capacity of a child is not even worth responding to. Have a nice day. 🙂
I think I may shed some light on this. Huston here, has an intense fixation on the fact that he’s never been in a relationship or has experienced romantic love. Furthermore, in his opinion anyone who’s been in a relationship, or has experienced love, “has no right to be depressed or suicidal”. Take this opinion how you will…
Anyway, Huston. It would be preferable if you didn’t jump onto people’s posts to basically attack them. Feel free to post something to vent frustrations, but don’t peddle this hate filled crap on other people’s posts, people on this site definitely do not need it.
Okay, thanks for explaining that. I didn’t experience love or romantic relationships until I was 19 and I felt lonely and bitter during the years before I did. I will say though, I experienced real love a girl for the first time a few years ago. It was amazing and I loved life and felt truly connected. Then while I was having a down swing she dumped me over the phone told me she didn’t love me anymore and blocked my number. I basically snapped, and became more suicidal and miserable than I was before meeting her. I truly loved her but I honestly wish I had never met her. What she did hurt me badly and I still hate her to this day. If you truly love somebody and they love you back it’s the greatest feeling on earth. If they stab you in the back, stop loving you, dump you ect. It’s the worst feeling on earth.
No problem
Exactly, it’s a double-edged sword.
Well said wolf!! Was just thinkinh the same.. what a douche.