when I was 13 years old I was sort of bullied at school, it wasn’t actually bullying but I was really marginalised, I don’t know why that happened, but I got really depressed because I literally had nobody, I didn’t have confidence with my parents either so I was completely alone, because of this I stopped eating (I was already really skinny) I would wake up in the morning, go to school, then come back home and skip lunch, then skip snack, then skip dinner..and so on, because of this I got so skinny that I had anemia, a bunch of diseases..etc and my parents thought I was going to die because I was starving I literally wouldn’t eat anything at all, so I went to many doctors I had to had blood taken out of me regularly etc, meanwhile I was completely alone and so I wouldn’t eat, i was trying to starve myself to death, when I was 15 it got much much worse and I almost died so my parents decided to change me to another school, I started to take pills that make me feel hungry, I started to gain weight and make friends, now that I’m 17 and I’m still in this school I’m talking about, I feel much better but I still feel like I’m not happy, I’m sad here because of what I’ve lived in this city..I still even think of killing myself i just want to leave, I want to go to university in another city to forget what I’ve lived but I’m afraid not to be picked because the university I’m applying for is reaaally picky
if you are picky in your choices you increase your chances of not getting picked on kind
you could try and not limit yourself and apply to multiple universities away from you, i’m sure there are many many away from where you live, and even some good ones, and some that will pick you that is not where you live now
i’m told there are even universities across the globe, one could also try one of those if the desire to get far enough away is that huge
Yeah totally, I’ve got really good marks and I’ll probably get a scholarship, i just want to get the fuck out of this horrific city and live my life