Hey SP members, I just wanted to ask a question about why we are here and there is this site. I’ll start with me.
Why I’m here:
- Major depression
- Anxiety
- Anti social disorder
- Binge eating disorder
- Borderline disorder
- Stress
- Suicidal
- To talk to people like me
Let me hear your reasoning is.
13 comments you can’t binge without purge. 6.7.and 8.by people like you I mean people who understand somewhat how I feel or don’t feel sometimes
Because I haven’t made the final transition yet.
Your list seems to be pretty much everyone’s list!
Sounds pretty normal, most people feel that way on here or not, plus they may have a trigger reason, “i’m failing in school” ” I lost my job” and so on.
life is hard, accepting that it’s suppose to be hard makes it’s easier for me to deal with it.
Hey Rocketman, That is true. Also I haven’t seen you in A while, it is nice to hear from you
I would say major depression and just feeling like talking to someone who understands what it’s like that isn’t in my real life.
I also want to give people support who need it when I have my good days cause I know how bad it gets and the feelings that go along with the darkness.
Ah, the eternal question: “Why am I here?”.
If I knew why I was here, I wouldn’t be here.
We are the means by which the universe perceives itself.
Is there one for Borderline Personality Disorder? If not, then 9. 7 & 1 everyday. 8 too.
Because the internet.
1. Schizophrenia
2. A run in with a nasty group of sociopaths
3. general existential crisis/distaste for life
4. hate living in my country, the united states because it is full of obnoxious ignorant morons, we just elected a stupid bigoted jackass for president, half the world hates us, and our government is generally corrupt and evil whether it’s stealing oil from the middle east, overthrowing central american governments, selling drugs to finance illegal wars around the world, spying on it’s own citizens and other various scandals (CONTRA, MKULTRA etc;), trying to forcibly change other countries political systems (Vietnam) ETCETERA ETCETERA ETCETERA!!!
5. I am ugly and will never have a girlfriend
Oh and one more thing I was going to write:
6. I took Prozac which really fucked up my mind and body with it’s nasty side effects
Major depression and anxiety disorders, binging to deal with emotions (even though my (uneven!) weight gain is probably making my moods worse me feel self-conscious about my body – at the moment I feel like I need to be denied access to my money and remove all food from my house and starve for days or something just to get past the first hurdle of the emotional, and probably even chemical, addiction), loneliness, unfulfilled and diminished as a person, lost years of my life due to agoraphobia and being shamed into not trying to get more help, essentially passive suicidality that I’m trying to turn into action, probable aspergers — basically just misfortune and personal failure.