A friend’s mother killed herself last week. She is obviously grieving and looking for answers, trying to understand her own feelings… etc.. I’d like to give her a list of sites she can visit that are for survivors of suicide and suicidal persons, places like this that are welcoming and well moderated. Any suggestions? This is not a close friend, more an acquaintance, so I’d like to give her something to go on, since she may not wish to talk to me personally about this at great length.
I just Googled it, honestly. There are a few like this one.
I just Googled it, honestly. There are a few like this one.
BTW, is it just me, or do you see the incredible irony in someone like us providing support to a “suicide survivor” ?
she’s a sweetheart. i don’t want her to be as sad as me. It took me a couple decades to get this way. 🙂 and yeah, it’s ironic.