And I am not even fat. No one will want a girl so weird. Sometimes I see girls making fun about some bald ou hairy guy and I don’t understand that cause I really can’t judge anyone for the way they look. I hate all of this. People are mean, men and women. I will die alone and everyone will know the reason, it is because I am ugly.
Yeah, people can be absolute bastards sometimes, especially when it comes to body shamimg.
I feel the same way about my body too. Im a 32″ jean size and even they are getting too large on my waist now.
It doesn’t help either, being bombarded by media and magazines about having the ‘perfect body’
Yes, there are people who are mean, but there are also good people. People like you, who can’t judge someone solely on their looks. I assure you that there’s a person who would be attracted to you. Attraction is a weird thing, and one never knows when it will pop up.
This is true in my experience, as well.
There are people who have substance.
the only qualities that hold any value, are the ones you have consciously decided on. I don’t understand how people brag about things that they have put zero effort on to achieve.