Hello everybody, I am new in this club lmao. I’ve been a regular visitor of this wonderful website but it’s only few days ago that I was able to jump in and make an account.
I read an article (I found this interesting. Don’t shoot the messenger) posted by ‘Nobody’ and it was interesting. I’m sure you guyz have read it too so let me jump in and express my opinion. Be sure to read that article first!! First of all it was a rant and there were many truths in that article. The conclusion of article was that our society is based on give and take. The author rants that people are not interested anymore in how nice and good person in society you are because what people care is what you can give them and what they can take from you. It doesn’t matter what you do, who you are and where you belong if you don’t have what people wants/wish then you are close to nothing.
Now it is a fact and damn true that our society works this way. I don’t blame nobody because if you look at that so called Almighty God then you can know (if you are not stubborn) that He created human race at the cost of obeying Him. You don’t obey and follow His laws and religion, boy you will get roasted in Hell forever, isn’t it true? He is selfish and greedy and has unimaginable EGO that he does not care about how good person you are. If you do not obey his rules and constitution then you will get fucked and will be eternally damned. Anyway it is a different topic.
My point is that the creator is himself selfish, greedy and egocentric. As far as I know the human race is created on his nature. So he created you this way and he himself is this way, PERIOD. The society reflects their true nature. This is the way we are. Human’s are only interested in one another if they find that you have in your pocket what they’re looking for. It is a fact that every human being is selfish, some in a good way majority in a bad way.
For instance, if I’m religious I obey and follow religion to secure my place in Heaven, if it exists. On the other side, God cares for those who bow down and obey Him unquestionably. He loves you and cares for you only if you do what he says. You may not agree with this but it is a fact. And, he will roast you in Hell for disobeying Him. He ain’t no more interested in you once if you disobey Him. So he dispose you in Hell.
Now same is the case with us Human beings we are only interested in others only if they give us what we want, PERIOD. However, my personal believe is that we change this approach and way of thinking and dealing with people. But it will take great deal of time for human civilization to reach at that pinnacle. As I said it is in our nature to be selfish and we are selfish. But we can give this selfishness a different face and we can make this bad thing into something very good and different. If you ask me how, I will say it needs damn lot of courage, knowledge, wisdom and love.
Last but not the least there’s a stigma that if you are selfish you must be a bad person. No absolutely not. You can be selfish for yourself, family and loved ones and that is a good side of selfishness but at the same time you can be unselfish for strangers and unknowns. You can be unselfish and do goods for others without expecting a dime from them. And the good news is that we have people in our society that are like this!!
It was my personal opinion. Sorry if I hurt anybody because I didn’t mean to. You guyz are awesome and beautiful. Stay strong!!
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Welcome to SP 🙂