I heard Prometheus and Athena were just messing around when they created man. That story ended badly. Prometheus was cast into the earth and pecked by birds or something.
The soul weighs 21 grams? Really?
Where is the soul stored, and how were researchers able to extract and weigh it?
Please provide a link to this startling, groundbreaking revelation.
I’ve done my best to understand what God is, who Jesus is, and something about the Holy Spirit. I don’t know who, what, when, where, and why about any of it. I’m constantly at war with the thought, hoping there is something or someone out there that is looking out for you, me, and the good ones and punishing the bad ones, but I can’t fully convince myself on any of it.
At times he/she/ it seems more like a dictator than a comforting entity. Do something wrong and question its authority and you’ll be punished. So don’t ask questions, just believe. That sounds quite scary.
I like the God character in the Bible. He had a sense of humor. In the old testament, some Dagon worshipers had kidnapped the ark of the covenant and put it into the temple of Dagon. The next day, they came in to pray to Dagon and found his statue knocked down. God is a spiteful cat! I love it.
2017 and people still go into this mitology.
Dear Internet stranger, god is a creation to control the people and at the same time to give them reasoning for the atrocities we have to face daily.
But scienticts found out that the soul weighs 21 gram + brain is still active after death. What about that?
The brain my be active after death, but the soul does not weigh 21 grams
I heard Prometheus and Athena were just messing around when they created man. That story ended badly. Prometheus was cast into the earth and pecked by birds or something.
The soul weighs 21 grams? Really?
Where is the soul stored, and how were researchers able to extract and weigh it?
Please provide a link to this startling, groundbreaking revelation.
Yeah. The last time I weighed my soul it topped the scale at 12 grams. Is mine underdeveloped or something?
I can get you an eighth of soul for 60$. fire.
I’ve done my best to understand what God is, who Jesus is, and something about the Holy Spirit. I don’t know who, what, when, where, and why about any of it. I’m constantly at war with the thought, hoping there is something or someone out there that is looking out for you, me, and the good ones and punishing the bad ones, but I can’t fully convince myself on any of it.
At times he/she/ it seems more like a dictator than a comforting entity. Do something wrong and question its authority and you’ll be punished. So don’t ask questions, just believe. That sounds quite scary.
God should have an app.
I like the God character in the Bible. He had a sense of humor. In the old testament, some Dagon worshipers had kidnapped the ark of the covenant and put it into the temple of Dagon. The next day, they came in to pray to Dagon and found his statue knocked down. God is a spiteful cat! I love it.