I been in therapy off and on since I was around 5 years old. Never did a damn thing for me. Since I’m on SSI I gotta see a therapist and a psychiatrist. Same ol same ol….get out more…..do some volunteer work! Then I leave the office and go home to my same personal hell.
Going out does nothing for me. I also don’t like volunteering
I know how you feel. Been in therapy for about 7 years now. I forced to go it by law.
I hope I’m successful in killing myself in about two months. Then more no therapy for me
ive been in and out of the psych ward for too many years, so they put me on a community treatment order. if i miss an appointment without explanation they can call the cops and put me back in the psych ward
It never ends brother. I been wanting to die for 10 years. Just need a peaceful method. I look at this world and think…damn! Life itself if an existential tragedy.
How many times have you been in psych ward, JohnDoe? I have been in psych ward 4 times. Bunch of Faggots bunched together to get me put in there because they have been abusive to me since a child. (Incestual child molestation) They forced me to be medicated how they have forced you to be in therapy. They had me on Zoloft for probably 2 months before I refused and they couldn’t stop me from stopping. Something about the side effects was NOT right from the start. Then I was back in and they had me on seroquel they forced me to take about 4 shots and I gained 60 pounds in 2 months so I stopped. On my way to psych ward for second time they put me in a medically induced coma because the doctor was too stupid to know what he was doing and do it the right way. (Benedryll, Ativan in my shoulder and ketamine shoved into my left knee) I was in coma for 7 days. Then they had me on abilify but by that point I had vowed to never take meds again stopped as soon as I got out. (1 shot) and I gained 20 more pounds. My mom kept giving me the meds but hell no I would never take them again. I saved them and overdosed but it wasn’t a lethal amount. Usually they’ll grab my body without my consent and use a needle to put drugs into me. They broke my neck that way once, but maybe just a fracture. It has pained me every day for last 3 years (my third hospital stay) I never ever did anything to deserve that. If I am ever given meds again I would save up to lethal dose and take them (this time I would dump powder out of capsule, last time I didn’t have lethal dose and took capsules. I did save enough for lethal dose and it is sitting in my closet I was going to take 3 months ago to kill myself, but I dropped about 150mg so I don’t have enough anymore and no more pills. I had just enough for 150% of MLD) So I gain about 20 pounds a shot of antipsychotic. I’m not psychotic either. Every day I cry and slam my head against the wall because of what they have done to me. I used to want to be a doctor now I only want to end my life.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to write that all out it just came out. I was going to say initially that they did not force me to do therapy thank God, they recommended therapy and forced me to one appointment, but I fucking hate them and I never wanted to be involved in this retard-employing fucking piece of shit, dumbass fucking system of retards. I could never do therapy every month or week for 7 years. It would be completely worthless.
I actually frequent the idea of murder now and not just suicide.
They are only supposed to hospitalize you if you even have a way to kill yourself. If you say you want to kill yourself but have no way to then it cannot be taken as real and they cannot take you in to the hospital.
I was in the hospital four times because I said “I wanted to kill my self” didn’t mean I was even going to attempt to, but then all the retards they bunched me up with ruined my entire life and now there is no chance I will ever feel ok again/
“Going out does nothing for me. I also don’t like volunteering”
-love it. you said it so awesomely and bluntly. I hate hearing that sh*t too. Like going out and volunteering is a magic cure-all for depression.
Me and other members on this website have previously discussed how psychiatrists are blood sucking leeches. Another member ageeed thanked me for keeping telling the truth about how you should never go to a psychiatrist and take their “meds” which are really poison to pay for their next vacation.
I remember the last time I bought a car from someone. It was this old real estate agent in N. Carolina, and I thoroughly ripped that rich bastard off. I don’t even remember how I did it. But he tried his best to pull a fast one on me, talking up all the bells and whistles the car had. He still made a decent profit, but as it turns out, the car ran just as well as he claimed it would. I’m still driving it today. Does it matter why he wanted to sell me the car?
Thanks man! The psyciatric community seems to have simple solutions for the complex brain. They will never admit that people with mental health issues actually have physical brain damage such as smaller amydalas and hippocampus, deminished frontal lobe activity, and synapses that are shrunk. Can’t fix that shit with a lifestyle change. If you could thr psyche community would be out of business.
Therapy is a never ending cycle of digging up issues you weren’t even aware of. The more you dig, the more you find, and there’s never a point where you’re pronounced “All better!” Ever. That’s what keeps therapists in business.
I was in therapy for a while. Three different therapists when I was younger. Each time, we’d just kind of sit there, I’d look around the office taking mental notes about the art, books, how the furniture was arranged, what I could see out the windows, and then I’d accidentally notice the therapist sitting across from me and have a momentary freak out. There was someone else in the room just watching me! And now I was watching them watching me! It threatened to turn into an infinite regress, so I’d break the silence and say, “Uh, your in the way. I can’t see what’s behind you. Could you move two feet to the right?”
I never understood what people get from therapists. If I wanted to sit in a quiet room and look at stuff, I’d go to an art museum.
Ooh, are we sharing our therapy experiences? I went to a therapist once in highschool. I told him some of my problems and he told me to stop thinking so hard, basically. Great advice.
I once met a homeless person and told him my problems, and he told me to go have a lot of sex to get my mind off things. Essentially the same advice except i didn’t have to pay 60$ for it.
I been in therapy off and on since I was around 5 years old. Never did a damn thing for me. Since I’m on SSI I gotta see a therapist and a psychiatrist. Same ol same ol….get out more…..do some volunteer work! Then I leave the office and go home to my same personal hell.
Going out does nothing for me. I also don’t like volunteering
I know how you feel. Been in therapy for about 7 years now. I forced to go it by law.
I hope I’m successful in killing myself in about two months. Then more no therapy for me
forced how? what did you do that they mandate you go?
ive been in and out of the psych ward for too many years, so they put me on a community treatment order. if i miss an appointment without explanation they can call the cops and put me back in the psych ward
It never ends brother. I been wanting to die for 10 years. Just need a peaceful method. I look at this world and think…damn! Life itself if an existential tragedy.
How many times have you been in psych ward, JohnDoe? I have been in psych ward 4 times. Bunch of Faggots bunched together to get me put in there because they have been abusive to me since a child. (Incestual child molestation) They forced me to be medicated how they have forced you to be in therapy. They had me on Zoloft for probably 2 months before I refused and they couldn’t stop me from stopping. Something about the side effects was NOT right from the start. Then I was back in and they had me on seroquel they forced me to take about 4 shots and I gained 60 pounds in 2 months so I stopped. On my way to psych ward for second time they put me in a medically induced coma because the doctor was too stupid to know what he was doing and do it the right way. (Benedryll, Ativan in my shoulder and ketamine shoved into my left knee) I was in coma for 7 days. Then they had me on abilify but by that point I had vowed to never take meds again stopped as soon as I got out. (1 shot) and I gained 20 more pounds. My mom kept giving me the meds but hell no I would never take them again. I saved them and overdosed but it wasn’t a lethal amount. Usually they’ll grab my body without my consent and use a needle to put drugs into me. They broke my neck that way once, but maybe just a fracture. It has pained me every day for last 3 years (my third hospital stay) I never ever did anything to deserve that. If I am ever given meds again I would save up to lethal dose and take them (this time I would dump powder out of capsule, last time I didn’t have lethal dose and took capsules. I did save enough for lethal dose and it is sitting in my closet I was going to take 3 months ago to kill myself, but I dropped about 150mg so I don’t have enough anymore and no more pills. I had just enough for 150% of MLD) So I gain about 20 pounds a shot of antipsychotic. I’m not psychotic either. Every day I cry and slam my head against the wall because of what they have done to me. I used to want to be a doctor now I only want to end my life.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to write that all out it just came out. I was going to say initially that they did not force me to do therapy thank God, they recommended therapy and forced me to one appointment, but I fucking hate them and I never wanted to be involved in this retard-employing fucking piece of shit, dumbass fucking system of retards. I could never do therapy every month or week for 7 years. It would be completely worthless.
I actually frequent the idea of murder now and not just suicide.
They are only supposed to hospitalize you if you even have a way to kill yourself. If you say you want to kill yourself but have no way to then it cannot be taken as real and they cannot take you in to the hospital.
I was in the hospital four times because I said “I wanted to kill my self” didn’t mean I was even going to attempt to, but then all the retards they bunched me up with ruined my entire life and now there is no chance I will ever feel ok again/
“Going out does nothing for me. I also don’t like volunteering”
-love it. you said it so awesomely and bluntly. I hate hearing that sh*t too. Like going out and volunteering is a magic cure-all for depression.
I had an appointment with the psychiatrist today. I didn’t go. There is no solution for me. Only death
Me and other members on this website have previously discussed how psychiatrists are blood sucking leeches. Another member ageeed thanked me for keeping telling the truth about how you should never go to a psychiatrist and take their “meds” which are really poison to pay for their next vacation.
I remember the last time I bought a car from someone. It was this old real estate agent in N. Carolina, and I thoroughly ripped that rich bastard off. I don’t even remember how I did it. But he tried his best to pull a fast one on me, talking up all the bells and whistles the car had. He still made a decent profit, but as it turns out, the car ran just as well as he claimed it would. I’m still driving it today. Does it matter why he wanted to sell me the car?
Thanks man! The psyciatric community seems to have simple solutions for the complex brain. They will never admit that people with mental health issues actually have physical brain damage such as smaller amydalas and hippocampus, deminished frontal lobe activity, and synapses that are shrunk. Can’t fix that shit with a lifestyle change. If you could thr psyche community would be out of business.
Therapy is a never ending cycle of digging up issues you weren’t even aware of. The more you dig, the more you find, and there’s never a point where you’re pronounced “All better!” Ever. That’s what keeps therapists in business.
Nailed it
I was in therapy for a while. Three different therapists when I was younger. Each time, we’d just kind of sit there, I’d look around the office taking mental notes about the art, books, how the furniture was arranged, what I could see out the windows, and then I’d accidentally notice the therapist sitting across from me and have a momentary freak out. There was someone else in the room just watching me! And now I was watching them watching me! It threatened to turn into an infinite regress, so I’d break the silence and say, “Uh, your in the way. I can’t see what’s behind you. Could you move two feet to the right?”
I never understood what people get from therapists. If I wanted to sit in a quiet room and look at stuff, I’d go to an art museum.
Ooh, are we sharing our therapy experiences? I went to a therapist once in highschool. I told him some of my problems and he told me to stop thinking so hard, basically. Great advice.
I once met a homeless person and told him my problems, and he told me to go have a lot of sex to get my mind off things. Essentially the same advice except i didn’t have to pay 60$ for it.
Plus, the homeless guy’s advice was probably both more creepy to hear, and more fun to do.