This world really makes me sick. The best people get the worst things to endure, and the worst people get all the good things. Karma doesn’t even exist. What’s the point of this all. If I lived in America I would commit suicide by cop. At least you guys have the opportunity to do so
Yes baby, the world is cruel and harsh. But it doesn’t have to defeat you, no matter what your faced with. Even if you feel there’s no hope there’s always light somewhere, don’t hurt yourself, express yourself
There’s light- at the end of the tunnel.
by end of the tunnel, I mean the final tunnel…
The only hope there is for me is in death
I’m so sorry you feel this way. Do you want to talk about it ?
Except, Murphy’s Law, if you actually want to die, they’ll haul your ass in jail and make you work for 50c an hour and keep you there for decades. That’s ‘Murica. Prison Industrial Complex. And shitty racist cops.
“The best people get the worst things to endure, and the worst people get all the good things. Karma doesn’t even exist.”
-Yep. I’ve seen way too many assholes get rewarded and nice people get screwed over and over.
Yes and I have experienced this first hand, the world is cruel. But I also no there is positivity somewhere, eternal darkness I hope you understand this
If you ever want to vent to someone, I’m here to listen. I hope you can find a way to hold on.
“Panic is the sudden realization that everything around you is alive.” — William S. Burroughs
Ouch. Smack me in the face with it, why dontcha?