Everyone who succeeds has their own method. I don’t think there’s any one correct way. My method, if you can call it that, involves a repetition of the same thought processes, over and over. Feeling disgust at myself, at society in general, and inch by inch moving closer to that glorious day of liberation. Knowing yourself, not being in denial about who and what you are, knowing that the program playing in the software of your psyche is permanent, and nothing Joel Osteen or Deepak Chopra or any of the other peddlers of artificial hope try to SELL you will change that.
Hope is a real buzzkill. For all my desire to die, there’s an equally strong wish that “Maybe next week, month, year, things will improve. . . “. If you can shut off that noise, you’re a step closer.
When our minds are convinced that death is the best option, we will act. When we can see past our own self importance, when we see that people who are more productive than us die, have died and will continue to die do so, and the earth just keeps spinning, without them, we’re a step closer. See through the folly and hypocrisy of all that society asks of you, of all the artificial bullshit we’re force fed, and recognize it as the death throes of a dying species, teetering on the brink of self destruction, grasping at straws in an attempt to find meaning as the cargo decks of this luxury liner slowly fill with icy water after striking an iceberg.
Expose yourself to cultural diversity. Read about attitudes towards death in other cultures. We fear it, because it means we lose our toys. We insulate ourselves from it, pretend insurance policies will make everything better, we pretend it’s bad and wrong, and spend millions and millions annually to see it happen to others on our, movie screens, safe and snug behind our popcorn and soda.
Something I do, and it’s pretty fucked up, is to bury my head in stories of the Holocaust. Reading accounts of what this species is capable of always leaves me with a strong desire to end my affiliation with humanity. That we can design such cruelties to inflict on each other is just too much to bear sometimes.
Death isn’t easy, no matter your culture. Arriving at the point of not fearing is your own personal battle, your own journey.
This is really deep, thank you. I guess indeed I will have to find my own reasons and motivation to overcome the fear, I find it really hard, but I will get there
Fear is inevitable. Heights, spiders, enclosed spaces, and many others. Yours? Death. It’s all psychological. Your brain is simply training everything in your body to respond in a fearful way towards death. But, distractions can help cover fears, that or facing your fear. But, you can’t exactly stare death in the face, without actually committing, and I do not encourage that you do that. Instead, accept death. Open the door, but don’t let it inside.
For two weeks, years ago, I had no fear of death. In fact I was downright giddy with excitement at the prospect of the deliverance I believed was about to happen. Telling you how I did it would be so personally unique as to prove useless. Also, the fearlessness could not come close to overcoming my many errors made on the way to what was intended to be my demise.
In other words , you have to find your own way if you are to find it. No one here has your answer, not really.
Everyone who succeeds has their own method. I don’t think there’s any one correct way. My method, if you can call it that, involves a repetition of the same thought processes, over and over. Feeling disgust at myself, at society in general, and inch by inch moving closer to that glorious day of liberation. Knowing yourself, not being in denial about who and what you are, knowing that the program playing in the software of your psyche is permanent, and nothing Joel Osteen or Deepak Chopra or any of the other peddlers of artificial hope try to SELL you will change that.
Hope is a real buzzkill. For all my desire to die, there’s an equally strong wish that “Maybe next week, month, year, things will improve. . . “. If you can shut off that noise, you’re a step closer.
When our minds are convinced that death is the best option, we will act. When we can see past our own self importance, when we see that people who are more productive than us die, have died and will continue to die do so, and the earth just keeps spinning, without them, we’re a step closer. See through the folly and hypocrisy of all that society asks of you, of all the artificial bullshit we’re force fed, and recognize it as the death throes of a dying species, teetering on the brink of self destruction, grasping at straws in an attempt to find meaning as the cargo decks of this luxury liner slowly fill with icy water after striking an iceberg.
Expose yourself to cultural diversity. Read about attitudes towards death in other cultures. We fear it, because it means we lose our toys. We insulate ourselves from it, pretend insurance policies will make everything better, we pretend it’s bad and wrong, and spend millions and millions annually to see it happen to others on our, movie screens, safe and snug behind our popcorn and soda.
Something I do, and it’s pretty fucked up, is to bury my head in stories of the Holocaust. Reading accounts of what this species is capable of always leaves me with a strong desire to end my affiliation with humanity. That we can design such cruelties to inflict on each other is just too much to bear sometimes.
Death isn’t easy, no matter your culture. Arriving at the point of not fearing is your own personal battle, your own journey.
This is really deep, thank you. I guess indeed I will have to find my own reasons and motivation to overcome the fear, I find it really hard, but I will get there
Fear is inevitable. Heights, spiders, enclosed spaces, and many others. Yours? Death. It’s all psychological. Your brain is simply training everything in your body to respond in a fearful way towards death. But, distractions can help cover fears, that or facing your fear. But, you can’t exactly stare death in the face, without actually committing, and I do not encourage that you do that. Instead, accept death. Open the door, but don’t let it inside.
For two weeks, years ago, I had no fear of death. In fact I was downright giddy with excitement at the prospect of the deliverance I believed was about to happen. Telling you how I did it would be so personally unique as to prove useless. Also, the fearlessness could not come close to overcoming my many errors made on the way to what was intended to be my demise.
In other words , you have to find your own way if you are to find it. No one here has your answer, not really.
Toss away everything dear to you, loathe your self and hate your existence.