So i am planning on taking my life next week. I have a question about something. I already wrote my suicide note and i am really worried about my mother. I want her to think it was a natural death and not suicide for 2 reasons: she is the sweetest person on this earth and she would blame herself and also she is very religious and her life would be miserable because she would be convinced that I will be in hell. So if i write on my suicide note to the doctor/paramedics (who find me) that they should’t tell her it was suicide, but a cardiac arrest, will they do this? My mother can’t read (only arabic)
What was that very important thing that you lost?
I don’t want to pretend that I know, but the last time when I wished to be dead it was because I lost someone very special to me… Maybe you just want to die because you’re bored… I don’t know…
You could please share with me the reason why?
Thanks mate! 🙂
My uncle died of a “heart attack” according to the coroner. No note. The coroner likely did not want to dig any deeper. My father found significant evidence that the heart attack was brought on on by an OD the coroner did not detect.
A work mate of mine died when he “accidentally” shot himself in the chest. The man was very deeply depressed and had been so for years. But because he left no note and because his wife was in the next room, the coroner reasoned that since the man “was not alone, and left no note” it was most likely “an accident.”
Thanks for your reply. So you recommend on not leaving a note? The problem with that is that my parents would be questioned (don’t mind if my father would be, but my mother doesn”t have to go through that) and my body would be kept for a long time (for investigation) what would make it even harder for my mother
Leaving a suicide note would make a finding of suicide more likely than not. Death certificates are public records where I live (US). Same where you live right?
In the US, suicide notes are simply evidence and it is not clear what happens to them after police collect them. Certainly they are not wills or contracts. Do they hold some additional significance where you live?
Sad. I am sorry about you and your mother. If you are all she has I would stay for her if I were you
I don’t have the ability to love her back and it destroys me. All I do is make her unhappy
@ lostallhope001
you really really think leaving her will make her less unhappy 🙁 ?
Well is she completely alone besides you?
No she has my sisters and brothers.. But I am the only one living at home
@farah no I don’t, but I don’t have anorher choicd
<3 <3 <3
can you tell me why… no other choice? 🙁
@ lostallhope001
It’s really complicated
<3 <3 <3
try me 🙂
if you prefer no to talk here
that's okay
my email is
& you're most most welcome to contact me
please love
let's talk about this
The paramedics or doctors will not lie to your family. They are obligated to tell the truth to your family, especially when it comes to the cause of death. If you want your mother to think you died naturally, it’s better you overdose on drugs or whatever, don’t leave any type of suicide note and your death will be ruled as an accidental overdose
That’s what I am planning on doing (overdose). My mother knows I don’t do drugs so that’s not an option
Yeah I don’t think the doctors will help you, sadly, unless you give them some money before… but i dont know if your country has corrupt doctors, mine sure as hell has but it depends on that.
i strongly doubt they’d outright lie to your mother, but if anything, they may give her a vague answer pertaining to your demise. still, i think your mother deserves closure and truth. i get not wanting to hurt her, as i feel the same about my mother as well, but, i think a mother would rather have closure, which requires truth.
You wrote your mother is very religious: do you expect yoourself to end up in hell too?
I have no idea. What about you?
i expect hell exists, 3 large religions believe in it so i expect i’ll end up in hel. would you change your mind if you were sure about hell?
Yes I would..
And you?
I’m in the exact same situation, planning to take my life within the next week and I know that is going to destroy my mother. I’d like it to look like a natural death but I don’t know how. She also is extremely religious and can only read Arabic.
Really? Where do you live and how old are you? Why do you want to kill yourself?
@lostallhope001 I live in Morocco and I’m 19, I have been depressed for about 3 years now and I’m basically really tired of being alive.
@suicidal_teen45 I am moroccan too (but I was born in belgium), where are you from in Morocco? I am tired too of being alive. I am taking my life on friday, but I am scared to go to hell. But this life is hell too so yeah..
the hurt I feel just reading this tears through my heart 🙁
please read my comment on your post
@ Suicidal_teen45
Thank you really