^ haha
Another headline I’ve never read: Psychic Wins Lottery.
You’d think if someone had the ability to see into the future they’d correctly predict the winning lottery numbers, but apparently using ones psychic powers for monetary gain goes against The Spirit Guidebook. Er something.
There are many ways to go on the topic of mediums. I’m unsure if you’re asking if they actually channel the spirits of the dead, but until I meet one who “channels” something personally relevant to me, I think they’re fake. I think they are good at reading people and extrapolating information from people who desperately want to believe in an afterlife, and presenting it to them with just enough clarity to plant a seed of hope in them. Of course, they aren’t always able to receive a clear enough message from The Other Side, and a return visit is highly recommended. (For an additional fee, of course.)
Funny thing- most ‘mediums’ are largely full of shit. I have been to a few (thing is since my niece passed, every now and then I feel her hug and hear her voice).. So I went to a medium who was recommended by a friend
As I was approaching the medium’s home (she works from her home) I heard leaves crunching behind me, stopped and turned to look around- nothing. Not a breeze, frog, nothing. Started up the walkway and heard footfalls behind me. Still nothing there.
Knocked on the medium’s door. She said “you must be so-and-so, I see you brought someone with you” I asked the medium to describe the spirit who was with me- she described my niece from nose to toes and told me she heard what I told her in the hospital and she felt me kiss her forehead before she passed.. Things she would never know unless my niece was present.
Finding an authentic medium is hard, but when/if you do, they are worth the cash.
I prefer larges. Mediums are too vague and tight for my tastes.
Before I even came to read the comments, I knew you’d say something like this. š
The lead story on today’s news is about a very short psychic who robbed a store and hasn’t been caught. Something about a “small medium at large.”
^ haha
Another headline I’ve never read: Psychic Wins Lottery.
You’d think if someone had the ability to see into the future they’d correctly predict the winning lottery numbers, but apparently using ones psychic powers for monetary gain goes against The Spirit Guidebook. Er something.
Egg – zactly.
Sorry, Lostallhope. Not making fun of you.
There are many ways to go on the topic of mediums. I’m unsure if you’re asking if they actually channel the spirits of the dead, but until I meet one who “channels” something personally relevant to me, I think they’re fake. I think they are good at reading people and extrapolating information from people who desperately want to believe in an afterlife, and presenting it to them with just enough clarity to plant a seed of hope in them. Of course, they aren’t always able to receive a clear enough message from The Other Side, and a return visit is highly recommended. (For an additional fee, of course.)
Medium pizzas are pretty trustworthy.
pretty trustworthy in giving the eater a pizza belly that is
And they never fail. Why would I want to listen to a bunch of empty words when instead I can fill my stomach?
Your comment made me smile thank you!
Funny thing- most ‘mediums’ are largely full of shit. I have been to a few (thing is since my niece passed, every now and then I feel her hug and hear her voice).. So I went to a medium who was recommended by a friend
As I was approaching the medium’s home (she works from her home) I heard leaves crunching behind me, stopped and turned to look around- nothing. Not a breeze, frog, nothing. Started up the walkway and heard footfalls behind me. Still nothing there.
Knocked on the medium’s door. She said “you must be so-and-so, I see you brought someone with you” I asked the medium to describe the spirit who was with me- she described my niece from nose to toes and told me she heard what I told her in the hospital and she felt me kiss her forehead before she passed.. Things she would never know unless my niece was present.
Finding an authentic medium is hard, but when/if you do, they are worth the cash.