I have read it online that people from Australia get nemb. all of the time and make exit bags. It was from a euthanasia group from Australia that recommended me the Nemb. and exit bag. I’m sure if you take your time you will be able to figure it out. It took me a while to figure the peaceful way out
The only thing I have close to lethal meds is oxycontin. I have to use an exit bag for my suicide 😛
There are peaceful ways out you don’t have use meds
What are those peaceful ways?
Nemb. or exit bag. Those are the two I can think of
Nemb is mission impossible
Nemb. is not impossible. A good friend of mine died from Nemb. overdose a couple of months ago. You just have to find the right person and get lucky
I’m in Australia is not so easy to get things like that 🙁
I have read it online that people from Australia get nemb. all of the time and make exit bags. It was from a euthanasia group from Australia that recommended me the Nemb. and exit bag. I’m sure if you take your time you will be able to figure it out. It took me a while to figure the peaceful way out
Thanks I’ll check it out
I wish I live in Australia. Nice place, no violence. In my country, if you go outside at night you are killed or raped (sometimes both)