i think 3 slow but deep breaths help regulate both breathing & pulse…
just distract ur mind with something & do it
fresh air also helps
i always open windows or doors for her to let air flow in
i put my arms around her &, as if whistling, softly blow some air through my lips on her face
I had a pretty bad one earlier today. It’s crested into a ride through a Lovecraftian horror. Then I got mobbed by lazy cats and that brought me back to reality a bit. Manipulative little creeps, they are.
my mom has them sometimes
is there anything that comforts you?
i think 3 slow but deep breaths help regulate both breathing & pulse…
just distract ur mind with something & do it
fresh air also helps
i always open windows or doors for her to let air flow in
i put my arms around her &, as if whistling, softly blow some air through my lips on her face
somehow makes her breath better
can you try this ? can u let someone help?
let’s all panic at the disco! come on everyone!
i’ll bring the wine
I have had several panic attacks in years past, lasting from say 6 to 24 hours. Not fun at all.
How much we actually sleep can be more than our perception of it, if that is any comfort.
Perhaps you’re having them now because your family took away your me.thod and clamping down on you.
I had a pretty bad one earlier today. It’s crested into a ride through a Lovecraftian horror. Then I got mobbed by lazy cats and that brought me back to reality a bit. Manipulative little creeps, they are.
Every night I have a dream someone is raping me and then I wake up to the sound of a man beating his meat