please don’t victim blame
please don’t call victims weak
please don’t say entitlement is the cause of everyone’s struggles
please don’t make your struggles a contest
please don’t belittle other people because you think you have it worse
please don’t be ignorant
please don’t do anything to make anyone’s life harder than it already is
thank you .
– xoxo , Li <3
Very sweet! And I like the ending! 🙂
thank you <3
Welcome and I removed a sort of negative post because of you! Your a stinker! 🙂
haha yay
I have a question I’m writing a post on why I hate eating other creatures in order to survive would that be negative?
no positive. PRO LIFE. lol
yay! goody! 🙂
sometimes mental disorders can cloud peoples minds. thank you for reminding us all that this is a place of no hate 🙂
ur welcome <3
xoxoxox <3
Telling people not to be ignorant is like telling a dog not to eat the garbage when you’re not looking. I doubt there are people out there who wake up in the morning and think, “I’m gonna be more ignorant today than I was yesterday!”
…i swear, if someone out there actually does that, I’m moving to antarctica to live with the penguins.
My thoughts exactly.
I agree. Every point you made is a good one. I try, oh I try, to follow each of those points every time I am commenting on here. Extra thought is required of me in some instances. Or else, if I can’t find a supportive way to comment I just hold off from commenting on that story and hope someday I will be able to give supportive comment when that subject/situation arises again.
I try my best to do that, too. I try – operative word. I have issues with impulsivity and it never leads anywhere good.
I doubt anyone feels entitled here. I think they are just sick of all the crap in their lives. They have wants, and somehow this got translated to ‘entitlement’. Oh well.
People throw that word around so often that I’m not even sure what it means anymore.