Are you asking if red wine will kill you? Because if anything it will make you healthier just ask the people in france. Although the beverage itself doesn’t effect suicide one way or the other.
The question was semi-rhetorical. The fairly constant suicidal ideation (which given that it’s been on and off for years, means realistically that I’m not going to make an attempt) is EXTREMELY psychologically painful. I was wondering (again semi rhetorically) whether drinking red wine (in quantities enough to dull my psychological pain) is something that I could do over years and years, while staying minimally functional. Luckily, I live in a country where decent wine is very cheap.
If you wanna get to the point I’d perfer something harder in Alchohol Content. Otherwise, if you wanna die fancy in the long run I guess anytype of Wine will do. Lol
Are you asking if red wine will kill you? Because if anything it will make you healthier just ask the people in france. Although the beverage itself doesn’t effect suicide one way or the other.
The question was semi-rhetorical. The fairly constant suicidal ideation (which given that it’s been on and off for years, means realistically that I’m not going to make an attempt) is EXTREMELY psychologically painful. I was wondering (again semi rhetorically) whether drinking red wine (in quantities enough to dull my psychological pain) is something that I could do over years and years, while staying minimally functional. Luckily, I live in a country where decent wine is very cheap.
Thank you very much for responding 🙂
Be well
ever try microdosing weed? you take just enough to not feel but not enough to actually get high
Yes wine is always an acceptable plan. Just don’t drive.
If you wanna get to the point I’d perfer something harder in Alchohol Content. Otherwise, if you wanna die fancy in the long run I guess anytype of Wine will do. Lol