I don’t know why I’m bothering with this, it’s so stupid.
I had a somewhat nice dinner, and there was a lot of it so there would be lots of leftovers. But somehow while putting it away in a big tupperware I managed to let it spill over the floor. It’s just some food, it shouldn’t be a big deal.
But a day later I’m still thinking about it; how it’s another thing on the list of things I fuck up and fail too do. Even the most basic of tasks I still mange to screw up.
There was a day where I spilled my cereal and just started sobbing. I know the feeling. It’s most likely because your pre-existing depression is creating emotional hypersensitivity. It’s normal. When I’m depressed, I personally take notice of my mistakes wayyyy more often.
It’s no reflection on you, all of us have been clumsy and careless at times. I’ve learned to slow things down and to be more careful when handling important things.
It just takes practice. Don’t sweat the small stuff as the saying goes. Sometimes being consumed by the big issues in our lives can make us lose focus on the task at hand.
It’s important to set aside those concerns and deal with what’s in front of us first, and then go back to the major issues when you have time.