We grow up around a world that constantly beats the curiosity out of us. It constantly says to do this and do that. Follow the rules. Don’t question authority. Just be normal and you’ll be successful. You’ll be happy.
What it really means is fall in line. Failure to live up to the standards? Punishment. You’re an example to keep everyone in line. Do you dare question the rules that privilege some and oppress everyone else? You are the problem. You are selfish. You are a snowflake. You are victim-blamed.
We’re victim-blamed to belittle us. They hoard the power of unequal relationships so that we cannot fight back. We are punished to a life of misery and pain. We become a statistic that proves the rule. If we kill ourselves to find our freedom, we are attacked posthumously. LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY YOU COST THE ECONOMY!!!!
Our needs are invalidated. Our wants are gaslighted.
And really, all I want to do right? I just want to be fucking dead. I want to take a knife and end it fucking all. I am so fucking sick of living under this. I have nothing more to say.
1 comment
We aren’t born we are farmed, for tax. That’s our purpose and nothing else. Despite overpopulation being the crux to virtually every apocalyptic problem we face, birthing children is utterly promoted. That says it all.
To bring a kid into this, stop and think I say to people, its the ugliest injustice one can do: to oneself, to everyone else and (I can’t stress this enough) ESPECIALLY the person being sentenced to this forgettable waste.
You say you have nothing more to say, you are right. We need only look around, it needs no explanation, this life is a farce.
But keep fighting, every day you’re alive, and even just partially doing what you want, the system loses just that little bit.